After knowing what would ask the Lazio by the traspaso of Milinkovic-Savic, every time seems clearer that the FC Barcelona descartará his signing to centre in others of his priorities to the hour to reinforce the centre of the field and the front of attack.

The FC Barcelona is still thinking in reinforcements of face to the next season, and Milinkovic-Savic, one of the big disclosures of the Series To this past campaign, sounded with strength from does weeks like possible offensive reinforcement.

The attacker youngster stood out this last campaign in the Series To, and to his 23 years annotated 12 goals and delivered 4 assistances in spite of not being a pure forward, some figures that are not bad but that neither are at all of the another world. The Lazio, in any case, wants to take advantage of the tug of the Serbian, pretended by several big clubs of Europe, to take out 'cut' economic.

And it is thus that, as 'MD', the Italian club would have planted a price of exit of 80 million euros to Milinkovic-Savic, a quantity that cancels completely the interest of the FC Barcelona to the not having the intention, the group culé, to pay similar quantity by his services.

It foresees that the Juventus of Turín, to day of today main favourite to do with his signing, can credit a similar price by the young Serbian value. Real Madrid and Manchester United also would walk after the steps of the player, that has played the corresponding parties with Serbia in this World-wide of Russia 2018, although without making performances too remarkable.

If it produces a bidding by the footballer, the Lazio could ask even more than 100 millions by Milinkovic-Savic, although with the risk that then it will be more than complicated that some club was had to pay similar figure to do with his rights of property.

The Barcelona will not pay so much by Milinkovic-Savic

The Serbian footballer was linked does some weeks with the FC Barcelona, but is not neither much less a priority and, if they confirm the previous polls of the economic request of the Lazio, the Barça will not have any problem in erasing his name of the list and centre in other aims, as for example Eriksen, Thiago Alcántara and Arthur Melo.

The alternatives will not finish in the market of signings, and safe that will follow appearing more and more interesting names along the next weeks. The World-wide of Russia 2018 will be the best possible shop window.