The fc barcelona handles for the moment two names: boateng and laporte

The Barça poses fichar to a central if Vermaelen recae

The Barça poses fichar to a central if Vermaelen recae

Published:4/04/2015 - 17:26h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Catalan press ensures that the FC Barcelona would be stirring the possibility to incorporate this next summer to a central in the case that Thomas Vermaelen do not recover of satisfactory form of his injury or, by the contrary, recaiga again

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As it has published the newspaper "MD", the FC Barcelona would be posing very seriously the option of fichar during the next market estival to a central of guarantees in case Thomas Vermaelen, that at present already trains with the rest of his mates, recayera of the injury that has kept him section of the group during all the season. Aymeric Laporte, in this sense, would be the alternative preferred by the technicians of the Barça -included Luis Enrique-, because of the solvency that has showed with the Athletic of Bilbao and the capacity of projection that has by in front.

In the recámara, however, the FC Barcelona would keep also the possibility to do with the services of Jerome Boateng, the one who does some months already admitted that the past summer had some that another contact with the entity culé, although then it did not want to change the Bavarian group by the Barcelona. In any case, the priority of the club if finally it decides by fichar to a player for the axis of the defence will be to guarantee the arrival of Laporte, that only has 20 years but already is one of the best head offices of the Spanish League and, consistently, of all Europe.

Laporte Would not put hit to play in the Barça

In an interview conceded does some months to the newspaper "L'Équipe", Aymeric Laporte left want by the FC Barcelona and, after elogiar to Carles Puyol, commented that it would be all a dream dress the Barcelona T-shirt in the future. In spite of everything, still keeps the feet in the floor. "It is impressive that the Barcelona and the Bayern have interested by me. It is the fruit of a lot of work but think that it is necessary to take it with some lightness because this does not correspond to a concrete reality", signalled the central French of the Athletic of Bilbao.

The Barça, slope of the state of Vermaelen

In statements conceded to the Chain Cope, the doctor that operated to Thomas Vermaelen does some months, Sakari Orava, has ensured that the Belgian head office in two weeks will be prepared to debut in official party with the FC Barcelona if Luis Enrique like this wants it. "Vermaelen Will be able to play in one or two weeks. It is animated, reassure him is very difficult that go back to recaer", has indicated the prestigious surgeon, showing total confidence in that the footballer no recaerá in the injury.

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