Aymeric Laporte and John Stones

Aims of other big clubs of Europe

The Barça, to contracorriente by Stones and Laporte

Published:28/02/2016 - 09:51h

Updated:28/02/2016 - 17:28h

The FC Barcelona will not have it easy this next summer to reinforce with a young head office and of guarantees of face to the next season, since his two main bets, Aymeric Laporte and John Stones, also would be objective of other big clubs of Europe

Calendar of FC Barcelona
As it has published the daily "ACE" in the last hours, the Barça will have to do wonders this next summer to do with any of the names that has aimed in the diary like priority to reinforce the saga barcelonista of face to the next season, taking into account that the two more gone on down players the entity culé, Aymeric Laporte and John Stones, would be also aim of many others big clubs of Europe, the which besides will have of more money that the FC Barcelonathis summer to compete by the respective signings.

The Barça, as it comes being usual during the last summers to exception of that in which it carried out the revolution of the previous staff to the sanction FIFA, would have foreseen to devote 60 million euros to the new incorporations, more the money that can ingresar by sales of players of the staff of the first team or of the filial to other clubs.

This money would be insufficient to do with the signing of a central and also of an attacker, the two reinforcements prioritarios of the club, splitting of the base that the Athletic no traspasará to Laporte by less than his clause of rescission, that is of 50 million euros, whereas in the case of Stones the signing could leave until the 60 millions, given the competition that there is by him when being interested teams like Chelsea, Manchester City, Manchester United or PSG.

In this coyuntura, the Barça already would be stirring alternative that they could go out cheaper like Mustafi or Giménez, in addition to a Marquinhos that could abandon Paris Saint-Germain by around 40 million euros in the case that presione to the directive of Nasser To the-Khelaifi so that it leave him go out of the club, to the not being to taste being constantly acting usual to the detriment of the couple formed by David Luiz and Thiago Silva.

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