The Croat is brilliant the the filial of the barça

The Barça will not yield to Halilovic in the market of winter

The Barça will not yield to Halilovic in the market of winter

Published:30/12/2014 - 09:31h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

Some Italian means ensured does some weeks that the FC Barcelona had intention to look for a cession to Alen Halilovic in the market of winter so that fogueara in a club of the Series To before giving the jump to the first team of the FC Barcelona

In spite of the information that appeared in some Italian media with regard to the future of one of the players of the filial of the FC Barcelona, Alen Halilovic, the true is that the Barcelona club would not have any intention to yield to the footballer during the market of winter, as it commissioned to ensure the newspaper "MD". 

The false informations affirmed that Fiorentina and Sampdoria would compete by the cession of the young Croatian attacker, but the intention of the Barça is that it continue to the orders of Eusebio Sacristán in the filial this season, like minimum, before giving the big jump the next season or the following to the first team of Luis Enrique,

The Catalan newspaper ensured basing in sources of the club that the Barça has not received any offer by the young Croatian promise of 18 years, although no descarta that it can arrive any of here to the next month of January. But the Barça does not pose yield to a player that is showing big details of quality and a good performance in the League Forward in spite of the last results of the Barcelona team, that has lost bellows in comparison with the good principle of course.

Halilovic Shines with own light in the Barça B

One of the young players more promising of the international panorama, Alen Halilovic, is shining in this first stretch of season with the Barça B to the orders of Eusebio Sacristán and already did it during the past pre-season with the first team. The Croatian player, that still has to finish to adapt to the style of game of the team, possesses a sublime technician that allows him play so much in the centre of the field as in positions of extreme and mediapunta, had to also to that has of a vision of game, dribbling, driving and speed envidiables for his age.

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