Héctor Bellerín, during a party with the Arsenal this season


The Barcelona already knows by how much would have to fichar to Bellerín

Published:13/03/2018 - 17:04h

Updated:14/03/2018 - 11:00h

In the last days has spoken on a possible ofrecimiento of Héctor Bellerín to the FC Barcelona. If this sucediese and the Barça wanted to repescarle, would have to pay to the Arsenal a price that does not foresee that the Catalan entity go to propose

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It does some days, the British press started with the rumour that Héctor Bellerín wants to return to the Barça and leave the Arsenal, that is out of sorts this season of the same way that was it the previous. Now, also from England have dared to reveal the figure that would have to pay the FC Barcelona in the case that it wanted to do with the services of the of Calella.

The 'Daily Mail' is the half that situates to Bellerín with a price of 50 million pounds -some 56 million euros-, that is the quantity that would have to credit the Barcelona group as long as it want to reinforce the right flank of the defence with the arrival of a player that, remember, formed in the inferior categories of the club until, to the 16 years, took the decision to leave to the Arsenal.

Semedo And Sergi Roberto, the bets of the Barça

The past summer sounded for Manchester City and FC Barcelona mainly, but these teams finish betting by alternatives like Kyle Walker and Danilo in the case of the 'citizens', and Semedo by Barcelona part. The FC Barcelona has full confidence in the progression and the provision of Nelson Semedo, the lateral youngster right that fichó the past pertinent summer of the Benfica in return of 30 million euros.

Although it has not achieved to strengthen still like titling indisputable, Semedo has offered good performances and convinces so much to the fans culé as to the office and technical body of the FC Barcelona, by what the Portuguese will keep on being player of the FC Barcelona the next campaign.

To all this, Sergi Roberto also will continue in the team after having renewed, and the condition to title indisputable of the Barça in the important parties, mainly in the position of right side, also prevents a possible arrival of Bellerín, by the one who besides the FC Barcelona would have to pay a millonada to do with his services.

Bellerín Decided to go... And it will not go back to the Camp Nou

And here it roots, precisely, the main reason by which the Barcelona no repescará to Bellerín. Further that the one of Calella would not have place in the staff, the true is that the Barcelona club does not wish to invest neither a euro -that they would be many- to recover to a player that took the decision to go when were 16 years old to have more opportunities in the Arsenal.

When somebody goes of the Barcelona, the doors close . There has been some exception as in the case of Cesc Fábregas, but with the step of the time the FC Barcelona has learnt the lesson and knows that, if a player takes the decision to leave from the inferior categories or of the first team, afterwards will be very complicated that in a future go back to have fit in the Barcelona project. Bellerín Already lost his train.

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