Konrad de la Fuente in a party with the Barça B


The clauses 'unseen' in the agreement of Konrad de la Fuente

Published:1/07/2021 - 19:06h

Updated:1/07/2021 - 19:07h

The agreement of Konrad de la Fuente stipulates the possibility to return to the Barça, in whose case the price would be inferior. Besides, the Catalan club would perceive an important percentage in case that the Marseilles decide to sell it

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Konrad has added to the list of drops of the Barça of face to the next season, although the club has left some clauses that would reduce the cost of his index card if the entity wishes his index card of return, as well as one that establishes that the Barcelona will receive a part in case to be sold to another team.

The Olympique of Marseilles has done with the services of Konrad after disbursing some three million euros in front of the FC Barcelona. Of this way, the entity leaves to go to one of his canteranos with greater projection, although leaving the open door to an eventual return.

Details of the agreement of Konrad

With his signing, both parts could benefit, so much the club when doing box like the same player when having a greater regularity in the French group, where would have the confidence of his trainer. Besides, the French press has ensured that the club left two clauses in the agreement of the American.

In accordance with Him Provence, one of them would have to see with a hypothetical traspaso of the player by part of the Marseilles. In this case, the Barça would perceive the 50 % of the mount total of the sale. Of this way, the club would have an entry more in case that the footballer was again sold.

Included if Konrad begins to show an interesting performance, the FC Barcelona could obtain a preferential price to obtain again his index card to facilitate his reincorporación to his club of origin. Thus, the club could follow being to the so much of what can occur with the canterano.

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