alex collado elche


Elche will take a 'peak' if Barça sells Collado

Published:14/10/2022 - 20:48h

Updated:14/10/2022 - 20:48h

The FC Barcelona has had a quite moved summer so much in signings as in exits. The club had to sell to several footballers, and yield to many others, by what had to negotiate with clubs like the Elche to ensure the minutes for his youngsters

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The owner of the Elche, the Argentinian Christian Bragarnik, affirmed this Friday that the club will receive 20% of the income that generate in his moment the possible sale of the footballer Álex Hill, yielded this season from the FC Barcelona. The mediocampsita, to the equal that Nico González and Abde, remained without place in the staff of Xavi and decided to go out in search of minutes in First not to brake his projections.

"To bring players to our club of important teams have to have some option or right on the player because if it is not like this, the only advantage that have is the one who participate with us", argued Bragarnik. Besides it explained that it does not exist option of purchase on the Catalan midfield player, of the that commented that if the Barcelona had been able to it sell before would not be yielded in the Elche.

Hill was one of the main bets of the club ilicitano in the market of summer, although the player, after a start ilusionante, has been acting in the last parties, although with the return to the club of the trainer Jorge Almirón could change his situation. The new technician always has been to use mediocampistas with good deal of balloon, by what a profile like the one of Hill surely go in in his plans.

The owner also detailed how gestó the turn of the míster. "Had three interviews with national trainers, but said us that they were evaluating other projects and was not the moment. I listened to the fans and to the journalism, with options that initially did not have. I presented documentation to go seeing latent possibilities, without answer. And this did that it saw a possibility that was without evaluating. After chatting with Jorge, thought this option and others. I saw that my team needed a resolution already. And I rushed to her".

The fight for remaining

"I am satisfied. In the preparation of the plantel could retain to more than 95% of the staff that saved us the past year. If we want to grow in it limit salarial, is very difficult from the ordinary income. Other teams, like the Getafe, did it selling. Afterwards, the tools of LaLiga are the same. We are six or seven teams that litigate for avoiding three places. Ojalá Become one of the teams consolidated", explained Bragarnik.

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