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noticia yasper asprilia


The FC Barcelona fixed in Yáser Asprilla

Published:11/03/2024 - 12:35h

Updated:12/03/2024 - 13:02h

The FC Barcelona is looking for an extreme for this next market of summer and would have interested by Yáser Asprilla, young promise of the Watford

Calendar of FC Barcelona

With his recognised capacity to identify and attract young talents futbolísticos, the Barcelona seems to have put his eyes in a new Colombian promise that is doing noise in the European football. It treats of Yáser Asprilla, a left-handed extreme of so alone 20 years that is a member of the Watford, and whose quality has not happened unobserved for the big of the continent.

A talent that wakes up interest

The technical office of the Catalan club has been following closely the progress of Asprilla, the one who has stood out by his skill for desequilibrar defences and his versatility in the attack. With six goals and five assistances this season, his potential seems boundless, and the Barcelona would be interested in advancing to other giants of the Premier League to ensure his signing. This anticipation by part of the Barcelona reflects his strategy to purchase young talents, looking for in the Colombian no only a promising player but also a future pillar in his tactical diagram.

Formed in the inferior of Medellín and later in Joisting, the talentoso player has seen how his value of market has escalado significantly from his arrival to England in 2022. Although initially the Watford invested only 3 million euros in his signing, today his pass could surpass the 40 million euros, reflection of his meteoric promotion and the expectations put in him.

A promising Future

From his debut in the first Colombian division with the Joisting, Asprilla has showed exceptional qualities that differentiate it of other young talents. His capacity to mark decisive goals and assist to his mates, aunado to his recent debut with the absolute selection of Colombia, where left his footprint with a goal and an assistance, speak of a player with a brilliant future.

The Watford, conscious of the treasure that has in his hands, has fixed a high economic barrier for any club interested in the Colombian. Comparisons with traspasos previous, as the one of Joao Pedro to the Brighton, suggest that the English club expects to make a record sale. However, in the current surroundings of the market, where the young talent is highly valued, the Barcelona could be had to make a significant investment to ensure his incorporation.

The Influence of the sportive bets

The potential signing of Asprilla by a club of the size of the Barcelona no only would have implicancias sportive but also in the field of the sportive bets Colombia. His incorporation to the Catalan team could alter the quotas and prognoses, given the expectation that would generate his adaptation and performance in one of the most competitive leagues of the world.

Conclusions and expectations

The interest of the Barcelona in Yáser Asprilla no only stands out the continuous research of the club by young talents but also the recognition of the Colombian football like a source of footballers of high calibrate. To measure that the market of signings heats , the fans and followers will be attentive to the movements of Asprilla, whose career promises to be so thrilling in the field as it is it in the expectations and prognoses out of him.

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