The FC Barcelona no malvenderá to the defender Thomas Vermaelen. The Barcelona know that they are many the beaux that have, the ACE Rome between them. But they seem decided in that they did not recess the ten millions asked in first instance by the defender. In fact, the figure could even go up to eleven depending the destination.

The Italians are the main candidates that want to carry to the central of 29 years but do not want to pay right now the price that asks by him. They would be more opened to a conveyance with option to buy when finalising the campaign, something that the Barça does not contemplate.

Or they pay and they carry to the player, or Vermaelen will follow another season more in CanBarça . It is the club culé the one who has now the frying pan by the mango and are not had to yield neither in front of the team that want it neither in front of the agents of the footballer. The same that with the case of Adriano Correia, the Barça will not give to any footballer.

It fits to remember that Vermaelen arrived to the City Condal the summer of 2014 by the figure of nineteen million euros. A quantity that has not amortised because of the constant muscular injuries of a player that was the first season practically impoluto and without playing neither an alone minute.