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The 'folders' pending that has to close the FC Barcelona in what it subtracts of season

Published:23/04/2024 - 15:58h

Updated:24/04/2024 - 04:58h

The Barça has several 'folders' for resolving of face to the next campaign. In the first place, it has to determine who will be the next trainer of the team. Besides, they exist other subjects that have to be tackled, like the signing of a pivote and the continuity of the Joaos, among others key subjects

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It approaches the summer and the FC Barcelona, with the season 2023-24 almost finished, has to begin to review his list of slopes of face to the next course. This listing includes a series of important decisions, mainly related with sales and incorporations of players, which seem complex to resolve, but that the club has to begin to tackle to solve of successful way.

In principle, the maximum priority of the Barcelona cast, without place to doubts, will be to define who will be the trainer commissioned to manage the bench culé in the next campaign. If it does not attain the continuity of Xavi Hernández, the one who apparently is considering revertir his decision of not being the technical director for the next course, will be necessary to choose a new leader that will mark the course of the sportive project, including incorporations, exits and other appearances related. Although Deco, sportive director of the institution, has the paper protagónico in these decisions, the míster also has weight in this type of determinations.

The incorporation of a mediocentro defensive

From this, another important decision for the combined culé is to define who will be the next pivote of the club. Although Andreas Christensen has showed a solid performance, the FC Barcelona follows looking for an alternative that adjust better to this position, with a more physical and defensive profile, but without neglecting the technical appearance. In this sense, has informed that the Barcelonan square is interested in players like Amadou Onana (Everton), Khephrén Thuram (OGC Nice) and Éderson (Atalanta). This yes, without renouncing to options more idílicas and complicated like the ones of Joshua Kimmich (Bayern Munich) and Martín Zubimendi (Real Sociedad).

The continuity of Cancel and Joãor Félix

The continuity of Joãor Cancel in the FC Barcelona is another movement that is subject to debate. The Portuguese arrived to cover a need in the right side, but because of unexpected circumstances, has had to see action like carrilero by the left-handed side. Although initially it seemed a safe bet, his last performances, in which it has showed some fault of commitment in defensive tasks, so much in the meeting against Paris Saint-Germain as in the Classical against the Real Madrid, have done that his candidature lose something of strength. It will be necessary to see if the Manchester City offers some type of ease to prolong the stay of the luso in the City Condal.

Now, the future of Joãor Félix, to the equal that the one of Cancel, does not seem to be clear. Although the native of Viseu has showed that it can be an element determinant in the offensive culé when it is in shape, his permanence in the Catalan cast will depend on the eases that offer the Athletic of Madrid. If they do not give the suitable conditions, his permanence could not being feasible, especially considering that the FC Barcelona looks for to invest in a left extreme with different characteristics to the ones of the exjugador of the SL Benfica.

The available rumours of Ronald Araújo, Frenkie of Jong and Raphinha

Another pending subject is to decide if it sells or no to Ronald Araújo. Although both parts seem to be had to be followed linked contractualmente, still does not have oficializado the renewal of the charrúa, whose agreement with the club expires in June of 2026. It will be necessary to update his wage to situate it in a high level chord to his ancestry in the staff. Equally, it can not go through under the tempting offer of the Bayern Munich, so much for the club as for the player, that includes a big wage and the promise to be one of the pillars of the sportive project muniqués. Although it seems that both parts wish that Araújo continue, can not descartar a possible traspaso millionaire.

The case of Frenkie of Jong is similar. It is a player very codiciado and has been one of the best of the FC Barcelona in this season. A lot of combined important of Europe seem interested in him. It will be necessary to see if the Barcelona cast is had to sell it, as it has done in previous markets, and if the Dutch is had to leave the club. At present, has an agreement that expires in 2026, and although it has rumoreado that the club has offered him renew it, the native of Arkel still has not accepted. Therefore, it can not descartar a sale, although the main idea seem to be keep it like one of the key footballers of the project.

To close, another player with which the FC Barcelona has to consider what do is Raphinha. The native of Carry Cheerful was not having his best season in the club, which, added to the stood out performance of Lamine Yamal like right extreme, and his high value in the market, turned it into an available aim for the club. However, in the last days, the exjugador of the Leeds has experienced a remarkable mejoría in his sportive performance. Besides, it has adapted to play like left extreme, endowing this left-handed side with personality and defensive sacrifice, and has been contributing with goals and assistances. Therefore, the club could consider keep it, although the offers of clubs of Saudi Arabia, that could be very tempting, as well as the ones of other European clubs, could be changing the opinion of the Catalan picture.

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