It did a lot of months that the FC Barcelona went behind Matthijs of Ligt, defence of the Ajax that enamoró to average Europe after having a very stood out paper in the Dutch team, champion of the 'doublet' in his country and semifinalist of the Champions League remaining out of the final of Wanda Metropolitan in the last sigh.

Around the middle of April, everything seemed done between the Barcelona club and the player but, with the step of the weeks, the offers of other big teams finish dissipating the option to see him in the Camp Nou. First it was Paris Saint-Germain the team that tempted to the Dutch with his petrodólares. But afterwards it arrived the Juventus of Turín to give a hit of authority.

The team that the past season mounted an earthquake with the arrival of Cristiano Ronaldo, now will put end to the serial of Of Ligt, that carried several months coleando. The bianconeros put on of the table an offer irrechazable for the player: 12 net millions by season and an ambitious project in which the Dutch will have a key paper.

Besides, so much Of Ligt like his agent Mino Raiola have achieved to convince to the current champion of the Scudetto of the contractual condition that finish being definite for his decision: the fact to have a clause of rescission of 150 million euros, a high figure but no inalcanzable for the biggest clubs of Europe.

According to the informations published by the Italian newspaper Tuttosport, the Juventus of Turín will announce this same Monday of official form the arrival of Matthijs of Ligt in return of a figure that will oscillate between the 70 and the 75 million euros. To fault of some small contractual details for resolving, the agreement between all the parts is total.

Of Ligt tried that the Barça equalised the offer

Before giving the 'himself, want to'  to the Juventus, Of Ligt expected a new economic gesture of the FC Barcelona, but the Catalan club followed totally enrocado in the initial proposal: 6 millions and half of euros by season, the same wage that will earn Of Jong. The Catalan entity is not had to yield to pay a millionaire quantity by a player of 19 years, by what will finish in the club piamontés.