Mario Balotelli in a party of the Nice


The last madness of Balotelli: Fichar by Madrid or Barça!

Published:23/10/2017 - 16:16h

Updated:23/10/2017 - 16:16h

Controversial and direct, like this was, is and will continue being Mario Balotelli. The Italian forward has answered to the questions of the fans in the social networks, and has left to fall his preferences in LaLiga. It could fichar the one of Palermo by Real Madrid or Barça?

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It seemed to have settled in Tie it 1 after arriving to the Nice for relanzar his career, but of Mario Balotelli already rumorea that it is thinking which will be his next destination. The group rojinegro has lost bellows after a past season of maximum level, and this could mean the exit of one of his greater, and more controversial, stars.

The Italian has answered in the social networks to the questions of his followers, and does not know if in tone of mockery or dreaming more than the necessary, has left to fall which would be his preferences in LaLiga: "it likes Me the Real Madrid, but if it calls me the FC Barcelona neither go to cry".

Although it seems complicated that the two big contact with a footballer that has not finish to answer to the expectations, suits to remember that 'Supermario' has gone through some of the best teams of the continent. Inter Of Milan, Manchester City, Milan and Liverpool already have had his services, and the one of Palermo has revealed that they were not the only in asking.

"First I spoke with the Juventus and afterwards decanted me by fichar by the Milan. It was fanatical of the 'rossoneri' and besides there was Galliani, with which get along", explained also Balotelli. To his 27 years, it will be necessary to see if Nice is his last stop.

The suffering of the Nice

To litigate by the title of League to struggle by the descent. It is more or less what has happened him to the Nice in hardly some months. If the past course turned him into one of the greater disclosures of the European panorama, in this hardly is answering to the expectations in the Europe League. 

In the domestic championship, the Frenchmen have only three victories in the 10 first days, and have lost already in six occasions. It promised them to him very happy Marlon Santos when it arrived yielded by the FC Barcelona, but goes to have to bend his efforts if it wants to help to his new team.

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