The players of the Barça in a session of training


The list detailed of the players transferibles of the FC Barcelona

Published:8/05/2018 - 23:34h

Updated:9/05/2018 - 13:09h

To the FC Barcelona presents him another summer moved regarding signings, but the same of important will be the operation gone out. In the staff of the first team there are several cases of players transferibles, and each one lives his own circumstances

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona is very near to close the first season of his new project, and with Ernesto Valverde to the controls already has attained a promising doublet. The wheel, however, has not stopped , and the planning of the campaign 2018-19 already accumulates months of work in the dispatches. For the new staff no only expect reinforcements, but it also touches to begin to give drops.

Regarding incorporations, the script seems clear, a signing by line with Antoine Griezmann aiming to the forward, Arthur to the medullary and a central still for defining. In function of as it leave the operation gone out also could have some extra arrival, and as no, the Masia has to go back to win weight along the course.

More complex seems the list of transferibles of the Barcelona group, with a lot of names but more incógnitas. No all will leave of the Camp Nou, but interests to concretise some sales to guarantee a so much sportive stability like economic. To continuation detail some of the most signalled cases the changing room culé.

Like this it is the operation gone out of the Barça

André Gomes

The Portuguese confessed does already some weeks which is his problem in the Barça: Has scenic panic and is not able to move his good feelings to the parties. The pressure has played him a bad past in the last seasons, and so much he like the club would have agreed to separate his ways to do borrón and new account.

It will be difficult that the Catalans recover the more than 35 million euros that cost, but the intention is to take out cut by a midfield player that still has good poster. To his 24 years, the Premier League has to several teams interested in his signing, and a good performance in the World-wide of Russia could revalorizarle.

Aleix Vidal

I arrive to the City Condal like side, but the brief reconversion that lived in Seville was not sufficient as to consolidate in the Barcelona square. What in his day happened him bill with Luis Enrique has served him something with Ernesto Valverde, that has appreciated his paper of secondary to use him in some occasions like extreme.

The Catalan, this yes, does not have sufficient with the few minutes and announcements that reaches, and in January agreed to remain some months to go back to value his course in the market estival. There are several groups of LaLiga that have asked after he, and although his priority is to go back to the Sánchez Pizjuán, still has not closed doors.

Lucas Digne

It is one of the variable situations that offers the staff, because no will sell him except that it arrive an offer irrechazable for the club or for him same, that also will have power of decision. It appreciates his work like spare of Jordi Alba, although it is clear that is not a direct competitor. If it wants to go to have more participation will open him the door.

If finally it does not finish going out, his permanence keeps like a strategic movement, to expect to the two promising left-handed sides that are a member of the filial. Marc Cucurella and Juan Miranda are very young, but if Digne remains a pair of years could finish to prepare to give the big jump.

Paco Alcácer

The forward of Torrent has gone back to show the head with some stages of big performance, but an injury and the new incorporations have closed him the step. If besides it arrives Antoine Griezmann in some months, his continuity antoja very complicated, and could go out by his own good and by the one of all the team, that would not want to see him like a perennial section.

Alcácer Has showed that it has not forgotten to mark goals, and this could guarantee him to the Barça a good pinch. It will be necessary to move well to plant to an ariete that cost more than 30 million euros, and whose smell also has called the attention of the Premier League. No descartan more beaux for the Valencian.

Denis Suárez

The Galician is another of the cases without resolving, because he same has confirmed in several occasions that does not have thought to go in spite of the few minutes that has enjoyed along the season. When it seemed that with Ernesto Valverde could arrive his definite explosion, what has arrived finally have been several steps for backwards, with a dangerous forget in a lot of stretches of the campaign.

They are not few the beaux that are to the tail by the midfield player, that also has an important economic assessment. The Napoli is the one who more has insisted to carry it, but if it agrees that the best for his future is an exit, do not go him to be missing offers. Another thing is that it decide to listen them.

Rafinha Alcántara

The Brazilian begins the chapter of yielded with a problem for the Barça: If the Inter of Milan does not classify for the Champions, will not accept the option of purchase of 35 3 million euros that the culés planted in his agreement. The discount of the 'nerazzurri' situates him in some 20 'kilos', an option that has not liked at all of at all in the Camp Nou.

In the sportive his situation is quite clearer, because it has forgotten his injuries and is showing all his quality in the Series To. When they have asked him it has recognised that it does not want to feel dizzy with more traspasos and that is happy in Italy, by what arrive to an agreement antoja very important. This yes, it is necessary to think in that it is one of the greater active to sell.

Gerard Deulofeu

His exit is enciphered in some 20 millions, although it will be necessary to see if the fact that it finish agreement does not finish prejudicing to the Catalans. His last cession has paints of goodbye definite, although as in the rest of cases, first will be necessary to concretise his options. It is a young player and with a lot of potential, and in this sense yes there is some advantage.

The problem in this case is that an injury in the foot braked his progression in the Premier League, where was going back to shine like member of the Watford. The 'Hornets' are interested in closing his definite signing, although it will be necessary to expect to know if they do not want to impose his own conditions.

Munir The Haddadi

After an irregular year in Valencia, Munir has exploded in the Alavés, where has turned into reference and in one of the keys for the salvation of the vitorianos. Abelardo Fernández has known to take out the best of the forward, although it seems difficult that can continue in Mendizorroza after next summer.

The Barça knows that the goal is one of the most esteemed goods of the football, but to take out cut by the tip first would have to renew him. The own player will have a lot that say in his exit, because when finish agreement has the frying pan by the mango. There is a pending meeting with the Barcelona to know his intentions.

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