In some statements conceded to "Radius Gaúcha", the president of Guild of Portoalegre, Romildo Bolzan Jr, has recognised that it is possible that Luan leave traspasado of the club in the case that it arrive a good quantity of money, but has warned with threatening tone to the FC Barcelona that will not recess the economic pretences that have deposited on the footballer in the market of signings.

"Anybody can think that they come to the third world to buy to a player by the price that give them wins it", has commented duramente the maximum leader of the Brazilian group. Luan Is another of the footballers that at present is concentrated with the olympic selection of Brazil, but will not leave him abandon the team "gaúcho" as well as like this.

"I am had to listen offers by Luan, but anybody can think that it comes to buy to the third world"

"I am had to listen offers, do not go to say that we do not go to sell to the player because it can arrive a proposal irrechazable. But what needs the Guild is a generation that win a championship, afterwards the people already will be able to think in other things".

Luan Finds priced at present in at all more and at all less than 27 million euros, of the which 75% would be for the entity, 15% for the employer and investor of Guild, Celso Rigo, and another 15% for the player and his representative. If it does not recess the price, seems impossible to day of today that the Barcelona decide to do with the services of the forward, if no that would bet by another option in the market.