The sportive director of the Real Sociedad, Lorenzo Juarros, confirmed during the press conference of presentation of Alberto Of The Beautiful the real interest of the FC Barcelona in doing with the signing of Íñigo Martínez of face to the next season 2017-18, although leaving clear that the interest manifested from the Barcelona entity has not derived for the moment in any official agreement.

"Oficiosamente Have put in contact with the club, manifesting a possible interest, but there is not at all official by part of the Barcelona more than a mere contact that it could be an alternative. It has not happened from here", it confirmed in first instance.

"When these trains happen is very difficult to stop them, although there is not at all official"

"The Real has manifested him to the player and to his surroundings that wants that Íñigo was the next season because we want to enjoy of our people and achieve things more important and for this have to have the best players", added to continuation Lorenzo Juarros.

In any case, is conscious that the Real Sociedad will not be able to do at all to retain to the footballer in the case that the FC Barcelona decide to credit the 32 million euros of the clause of rescission, something that intuye that it could suceder in the next hours.

Íñigo Martínez, first signing 'post-Neymar'?

"When these trains happen is difficult to stop them, but there is not at all official and in these officious conversations already have said that there is not any interest in speaking of his exit. We do not want to facilitate it at all", it signalled.

Finally, it did upsetting in the impossibility for a club like the Real Sociedad to relieve to a footballer of the size of Íñigo Martínez, that has become international with Spain. "We have to be always ready, is impossible to substitute to a player of Íñigo. It will be able to come one of out, but substitute him is impossible. It is necessary to have clear that will cover his drop, always looking first home, but even going out to the market is impossible. We can give with one that complement, that give more strength to the three that are, but for the Real is impossible to substitute to Iñigo", concluded.