inigo martinez athletic2


The reasons why Xavi loves Iñigo Martínez

Published:22/09/2022 - 14:53h

Updated:22/09/2022 - 14:53h

Iñigo Martínez has been linked with the FC Barcelona in several moments of his career. The past summer, the player went back to consider in the Camp Nou, and although it did not advance in his traspaso, follows having possibilities to be culé

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Iñigo Martínez has already several months in the diary of the FC Barcelona. The defender has gone back to the Barcelona folders afterwards that does several seasons, when Ernesto Valverde was the technician culé, the club considered his signing. The arrival of Xavi Hernández the previous course propició that the player of 31 years went back to come under scrutiny and from here that even it tried his signing the past market of summer.

In the dispatches of the Barça, as well as inside the technical body, consider that Iñigo gathers the profile that look for to reinforce the saga the next season, with low cost besides. It is a defender experienced and that knows the League to perfection. Also it guarantees very good exit of balloon, leadership and is good in the aerial game. The central of the Athletic is left-handed, something that also values , since at present the five head offices that has Xavi in payroll are of right-handed profile, this after the exits of Lenglet and Umtiti.

Iñigo has played to the orders of Ernesto Valverde and also with Luis Enrique in the selection, by what knows at first hand a style of alike game to the Barcelona. This past summer, when the negotiations by Koundé did not seem simple by the refusal of the Seville and the pressure of Chelsea, the Barça already contemplated the option of fichar to the footballer, that will finish agreement in 2023.

Operation in process

In fact, between the Barça and the agents of the central of Ondarroa there is a principle of agreement so that it arrive to the Camp Nou, like free agent, as it aims 'Sportive World'. The agreement has been only verbal between the parts, afterwards that the Athletic did not want not even seat to negotiate with the Barcelona and declared to the untransferable footballer.

In the Barça postponed the interest by Iñigo for next summer, when it will remain free, if it continues with his posture of not renewing his current agreement. Xavi follows to the so much of his evolution and his performance, convinced that it would fit to perfection in his project, where probably the next season do not follow Gerard Hammered.

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