Yerry Mina in a party with the FC Barcelona


The signing of Arturo Vidal forces to the Barça to give exit to Yerry Mina and Marlon Santos

Published:4/08/2018 - 18:02h

Updated:4/08/2018 - 20:10h

Already it does some weeks that the FC Barcelona works in his operation gone out, but the incorporation of Arturo Vidal confirms definitively two drops more. When explaining the Chilean like non-EU footballer, Yerry Mina and Marlon Santos have to do the cases

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The planning of high and drops of the FC Barcelona manages separately, but is usual that in some cases, both sections can touch. This is the case of the last movement of the Barcelona in the market of signings, that will force to give exit to two footballers to fulfil, once again, with the relative rule to the non-EU players.

An appearance that happened something unobserved in the incorporation of Arthuro Vidal is that the Chilean will occupy one of the three squares reserved in the staff, a fact that has supposed some adjust along the summer. Finally, it has solved the problem without too many sobresaltos, and has not been necessary to move a leaf of route that has commissioned to respect Éric Abidal with his elections.

Those that himself moveran, however, are Yerry Mina and Marlon Santos, that have seen as they exhaust his options to win a place in the changing room culé. The Colombian and the Brazilian have remained without place, and in spite of that they already negotiated his exit -both could finish in England-, now is confirmed that when finish the summer will be far of the City Condal, still without doing official if yielded or traspasados and waiting for checking if there will be option of repurchase in his agreements.

The non-EU elected for the Barça 2018-19 will be the own Vidal, Arthur and Malcom, whose places have priority by in front of the central, very covered with the arrival of Clément Lenglet and the presence of Thomas Vermaelen that apurará his agreement in the Camp Nou. Philippe Coutinho, that does some months also explained like foráneo, has presented already the documentation in LaLiga, because although it does not have the Portuguese passport will obtain it in brief, what frees his place.

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This 'puzzle' in the changing room also would park the doubts on Vermaelen, of the one who had rumoreado that it still was not clear his continuity. The revaluation of the Belgian and the presence of too many left-handed defenders would have pushed to the directive to pose his sale, something to what Ernesto Valverde would have denied . Now, with the guarantee of his European passport, would have even more felt his permanence.

In the case to look for more incorporations of out of the borders of the old continent, the Barça will have to expect, because it will need like minimum two years so that his Brazilians can demand the Spanish documentation and the same period for the Chilean, although with his age and his agreement seems less likely that opt by this road, since would have less visited that his two mates.

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