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The 'limit' that Barça sets for the signing of Bernardo Silva

Published:26/04/2024 - 17:51h

Updated:27/04/2024 - 02:09h

FC Barcelona maintains Bernardo Silva as one of its big objectives for next season, but under no circumstances will they be willing to break the bank for his signing. They would have already determined a limit for a possible investment

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Bernardo Silva will star, once again and as always, one of the big 'serials' of the market of signings in key FC Barcelona. It is in the diary of the sportive direction like one of the priorities to reinforce the centre of the field, although they are conscious that it is an operation complicated because it is the Manchester City in half and, besides, other clubs like Paris Saint-Germain will try to do with his services during this summer.

The blaugrana will try to tackle the operation by third consecutive year. They saw it 'hover' in 2022, although it was necessary a millionaire sale that did not finish producing, tried in 2023 and the Portuguese finish renewing with the 'citizens' and this time will go back to touch the door. Have good feelings regarding the possibility that the midfield player access to a movement, but in the Barça know very well that, before putting in the career by his signing, will have to do the work 'dirty': sell and generate income that allow to negotiate with a City that hardly go to recess his available price.

There will be 'case Bernardo' this summer in the Barça

'SPORT' Has informed that Silva will be one of the players that the Catalan group, if they give the conditions with the Fair Play financial, will try fichar. It is not the big priority, because it is it a mediocentro 'top' that it can elevate the level of the staff, but yes splits like a necessary player to give consistency to the square that has implanted Xavi Hernández in the medullary of the Barça and that has brought the 'better' resulted in this season. Silva has showed, especially in the Manchester City, be an able footballer to adapt to different contexts, approaches and stages to give loose rein to his creativity on the lawn. The trainer egarense is the maximum defender of his possible signing.

To sportive level there is few or any doubt. Bernardo is between the list of the best midfield players of Europe and have he would be a luxury for the Barça that, without place to doubts, would give much more potential to the team. However, where will be the problem will be in the economic section. It is not a secret for anybody that the Barcelona do not cross the best moment and that they are many the efforts that will have to carry out this summer to be able to reinforce and, as it explains the before quoted source, will not be in conditions to pay the whole of the clause of exit that has in his agreement with the picture of the 'sky blues'.

It is worth it to remember that, when the City renewed to the international with Portugal during the past summer, included a clause of rescission of 50 million pounds, some 58 million euros. It is an accessible figure for big part of the 'big' of Europe, but in the case of the Barça the situation is different. It is not a mount that they are in conditions to disburse overnight and would have marked a tope of 40-50 'kilos', at most, to negotiate this summer his possible incorporation from Manchester.

The factor that takes in account the Barça

Everything will be conditioned by the movements that achieve to complete the club in the market, in what to sales refers . The priority will be to achieve extraordinary income through the 'goodbye' of footballers (Frenkie of Jong part, for now, like the first distinguished), but in the Barça trust that will have options. This yes, will not be by the work to throw the house by the window and will back in a factor that, according to SPORT, consider key: The age of Bernardo Silva. During the summer will fulfil the 30 years and understand that the clause of €58m is excessive. If it was lower, the history would be very distinct.

The panorama is not clear-cut and anything could happen in the next months, but in the City Condal want to, at least, try it. It is a signing that asked Xavi Hernández since it landed in the club and by diverse reasons has not been concretised, although at all times they have had the feeling that the player would do an effort to get dressed of Barcelona if it gives the opportunity. This summer could be the last big opportunity and, with the PSG like main rival in the market, the Barça will have to move fast if really they want to do with his services.

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