Frenkie de Jong with the Dutch national team


Does United think about his signing? Barça has not received an offer for De Jong

Published:6/06/2022 - 17:47h

Updated:6/06/2022 - 17:47h

Frenkie de Jong's future is still up in the air. Manchester United is the one who has shown the most interest in getting their services, but according to various information, they have not yet sent an offer to Barça

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To the 'serial' of Frenkie of Jong follow him writing more 'chapters'. From his arrival to the FC Barcelona in the 2019, the presence of the Dutch never was under discussion. The footballer was considered 'intocable' in the breast of the Catalan entity, that saw it like the future of the midfield of the team. However, the delicate economic situation of the Barcelona forces them to do box during thesummer , and the midfield player would be the big candidate to leave the rows culés.

In this stage, varied of the biggest clubs of Europe have gone in in the 'career' by the ex midfield player of the Ajax. The one who more interested has been in the '21' has been the Manchester United, whose new trainer, Erik Have Hag, already had under his orders to the Dutch in his stage in the Ámsterdam Sand and was the one who greater performance him 'took out' to the player. The technical tulip would be loved to retell with the footballer in his team, and would want to take advantage of the 'revolution' that expect to make in Old Trafford to add it to his rows.

The 'network devils' would be had has to offer a sum that oscillates between the 75 and 85 million euros, enciphers that in the offices of the Camp Nou like, and a lot. Nevertheless, the operation antoja very complicated since Of Jong has showed resistant to put course to the 'theatre of the dreams'. The priority of the mediocampista is to follow dressing the T-shirt blaugrana, and in case to see forced to go out, prefers that it was to a team that contest the Champions League.

Well, a lot of informations have ensured that the British already would be in conversations with the Barça to carry out the contracting, but reliable sources of the club have denied said rumours through the newspaper 'Sportive World'. According to the media, the directed by Have Hag have not done him arrive any offer to the barcelonistas, those who, in fact, do not explain any offer by any of his players on the table.

Change of plans in Manchester?

Said awake information the doubts in all and sundry, since in the last hours the name of Christian Eriksen has sounded around a possible signing by the mancunianos, what would mean that these are replanteando the incorporation of the Dutch. On the other hand, and in spite of that the directed by Xavi Hernández are opened to negotiate by Frenkie, these have the player and would not see with bad eyes his continuity. The time will be the one who dictate sentence, but the situation of the midfield player aims to be one of the 'novels' of the market.

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