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The way of the Barcelona to his next coach

Published:9/02/2024 - 12:43h

Updated:9/02/2024 - 12:43h

The FC Barcelona is tracking the market of trainers of face to the next season in front of the exit of Xavi. There are several names on of the table, but still is not clear which way will follow the Barça

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The course of Xavi Hernández of the bench of the FC Barcelona has desatado a wave of speculations and analysis on who will be the attendant to lead the sportive project of the Catalan club from the next summer. In a marked context by the need of adaptation and evolution, so many names consecrated like innovative bets outline like the main candidates to assume the responsibility to head to one of the most emblematic teams of the world-wide football.

In search of a successor

The exit of Xavi, announced after a defeat in front of the Villarreal, no only symbolises the end of an era, but also the start of a period of crucial transition for the Barça. The sportive direction, headed by Joan Laporta, confronts to the challenge to select to a technician that no only guarantee immediate results, but it also ensure the continuity of the style of game that defines the identity of the club. Between the most stood out candidates appear names like Rafa Márquez, current trainer of the Barça Atlètic, and Thiago Motta, the one who directs to the Bologna with remarkable success. Both represent the ideal fusion between the internal knowledge of the club and the international experience.

Strategic alternatives

While Márquez discerns like a viable option by his connection with the roots of the club and his knowledge of The Farm, Motta offers a more global perspective, thanks to his path in different European leagues. However, the list of possible substitutes extends further of these two names, including to technicians of the size of Míchel Sánchez of the Girona, Imanol Bailiff of the Real Sociedad, and Mikel Arteta of the Arsenal, each one with a distinctive approach that it could enrich the proposal futbolística of the Barça.

In front of the selection of a new trainer and the wide list of possible candidates, the fans of the house of bets Chile already are formulating quotas and prognoses on who will be the next tactical leader of the FC Barcelona. This interest no only reflects the global expectancy that surrounds to the decision of the club, but also how the analysis and the sportive bets have turned into an integral part of the discussion futbolística contemporary.

The diversity of styles and philosophies between the candidates reflects the wide range of possibilities that the Catalan club is considering to ensure no only the sportive excellence, but also the fidelity to his legacy futbolístico. This variety extends until proposals riskier, like the incorporation of technicians that at present find without team, such as Jürgen Klopp, whose experience and success in the Premier League could contribute an additional competitive dimension to the team.

The bet by the future

In this stage of uncertainty and expectations, the Barcelona team finds in a crossing between the tradition and the innovation. The election of the next trainer no only will determine the sportive direction of the club in the next years, but it also will reflect his commitment with a football that is faithful to his essence, to the time that adapts to the requirements of the modern game. In this context, the figure of the technical elected will have to embody no only the tactical and technical excellence, but also the capacity to inspire and lead in a period of transition.

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