Ernesto Valverde in a press conference of the FC Barcelona


Valverde Confirms that Munir is section and speech on the signing of a forward

Published:9/01/2019 - 19:01h

Updated:10/01/2019 - 11:03h

The FC Barcelona premières this Thursday his eliminatory of eighth of final of Glass of Rey, but to Ernesto Valverde has touched him speak of signings. The technician has answered on the drops of Munir The Haddadi or Denis Suárez, and has given some tracks of the plans of the club

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After some months in second plane, the Glass of the King reappears this week, and does it this Thursday for a FC Barcelona that it wants to defend title. In addition to the competitions of the course, the market of signings also is leading these days, and is something that has noticed in a previous press conference in which Ernesto Valverde has had to speak of high and low.

The preparador extremeño has tackled in the first place the clash against the Raise, to the that considers a rival qualified to hurt to his and in which it expects changes that the Barcelona also will propose. The triplete is the aim and for this will be necessary the rotations, and precisely of the second unit has fallen a piece by which has been questioned.

To face up to the questions on the case of Munir The Haddadi, separated of the announcements does some days after not arriving agreement by his renewal, the Txingurri has thrown of sincerity: "I do not speak of agents neither of at all like that. I speak with the players and the conversations that have are deprived. Munir Has taken a decision and the club also has taken it. We want a solution what before and if it can be in this market, much better".

"I do not have at all against of Munir. It has played well and it has trained well. I do not have much more that add in this regard", has explained, descartando besides that with Denis Suárez, that negotiates his traspaso with the Arsenal, go to take a similar measure: "His situation is different to the one of Munir. Denis is a player that can go in anytime, in reality. With Munir have taken a very clear decision, yes".

"The situation of Denis is different to the one of Munir, he can go in anytime in the eleven"

With regard to the exit of the canterano, the trainer has commented two perspectives, and the first is the possibility to look for an immediate spare in the market. "We will value it. It is a possibility, yes", has signalled with rotundity, although it also has manifested that for the immediate commitments contemplates several applicants that already has in his team, so much in the staff that directs as in the one of the filial.

"Have solutions for morning, as Ousmane Dembélé, and also other players of the B, as Abel Ruiz, although it is lesionado, and Rafa Mújica. Already we will see it. Our intention is to go out with players that have goal", has concretised, leaving fall that Luis Suárez will rest to avoid that they reproduce the annoyances in his knee and situating in the group of candidates to cover him to Arturo Vidal.

In relation to the reaction of his pupilos, that have pronounced in favour of his continuity in the bench, the extremeño has not wanted to do a world, happening on tiptoe on the subject and centring the attention in the sportive: "it Is well that they say this. Imagine you if they said the contrary... I do not want to speak too much of this. We are in this process in that it will finish the first turn. Already we will speak of this subject with total naturalidad, already will see it. When there is something that say, already will communicate it".

Valverde Announces rotations and goes back to launch a 'dart' to the VAR

Another important question that has valued in his appearance in front of the means has been the one of the rotations, that escasearon the past month of January and could have worn out too much to a Barça to the that saw 'melted' in the final stretch of the course: "To the team see him well and to the players well. With all what speaks that the Glass is a wear, I am not so of agreement. We have to have illusion with the Glass. It gives us a lot, it loves us play the final and the semifinal... We have to go to thus and not renouncing to at all".

"I do not think that we lost in Rome only by the wear of the Glass. But yes that it is true that this month is very intense and that we have to change things", has reflexionado, indicating that it could keep his bet by the youngsters and dosificar to his stars to resist to a calendar that puts slope up partly by the accumulation of commitments.

On the subject of the week, the doubts on the VAR by the possible penalti to Vinicius in the Real Madrid-Real Sociedad, the Txingurri has been clear, and has left another 'dart' for a system that does not finish him to convince: "it Was writing that went to be like this. The controversy does not go to go never of the football. The VAR does that all was juster, in principle. But anybody will be never happy. It was writing that would follow with the controversy".

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