Xavi Hernández en el duelo entre el Real Betis y el FC Barcelona en LaLiga


Xavi could have to choose between continuing at Barça and directing a historic team from Europe

Published:3/04/2024 - 00:06h

Updated:3/04/2024 - 11:21h

Xavi Hernández is already beginning to add suitors who wish to have him as a coach in the next campaign. In that sense, he has recently emerged that a historical figure from Europe and, specifically, from the Netherlands, has him as a candidate to lead the necessary renewal of his sports project

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Rinus Michels, Johan Cruyff, Louis go Gaal, Ronald Koeman... What have all they in common? All had the fortune to direct so much to the FC Barcelona as to the Ajax, two institutions characterised no only for having able quarries to produce footballers 'top', but also for having a style of attractive game and with big technical similarities.

Now, to this small list of stood out technical directors, could add the name of Xavi Hernández. As it informed in 'SPORT', because of his current and firm intentions to renounce to his charge in the Barcelona picture the next 30 June, the combined Dutch would not see with bad eyes add him to his list of futuribles to renew the sportive project.

Why the Ajax is looking for new trainer?

It is necessary to stand out that the picture amsterdamés is going through a moment complicated in this season 2023-24. They have been deleted in the phase of groups of the Europe League, winning grieve 1 of the 6 commitments contested. Besides, in spite of having a second opportunity to remain in a European competition, afterwards to add to the Conference League, finished falling defeated in the eighth of this contest by the Aston Villa.

Equally, they fell 'KO' in the second round of the Glass of the Low Countries in front of the USV Hercules (3-2), a team of the Fourth Division. At present, only it remains them compete in the Eredivisie, where probably the PSV Eindhoven will top champion, and are struggling seriously for obtaining a place in European competitions, having extremely complicated to classify to the next edition of Champions League (are to 21 points of the second position) and the Europe League (are to 12 units of the third square), but with options to win the note to the Conference League (are to 8 points of the fourth place of the table clasificatoria).

To institutional level, neither have had a lot of stability, since they have happened three trainers by the bench of the team in what it goes of course. Maurice Steijn began the season, but was ceased after 11 parties. Afterwards, Hedwiges Mature replaced it efímeramente and directed only two clashes before John go 't Schip assumed the charge, but already has announced that will abandon the team the next 30 June. Added to this unsteadiness in the technical direction, the club also suspended to his executive director, Alex Kroes, of course traffic of privileged information.

Barça or Ajax? The decision is in hands of Xavi

In front of this situation, is not surprising that the Ajax was looking for a necessary sportive restructuring and that are considering to Xavi Hernández. According to the source mentioned, the ones of Ámsterdam value to the egarense like a figure that enjoys of the characteristic that they look for in the team for the charge of míster, appreciating his work with the youngsters, his methodology of game, his football of possession and his good exit of balloon from the background line.

It will be necessary to see how develops the interest of the Ajax by the current trainer of the FC Barcelona. For now, as 'SPORT', only there has been an approach to the surroundings of the of Terrassa. However, it will be interesting to see which are the wishes of Xavi for the next campaign. If finally it changes of opinion and decides to remain in the Barcelona picture or if it takes a sabbatical year, as it posed previously, after finishing his laureada stage like preparador in the club of the City Condal.

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