Xavi Simons en el duelo entre el RB Leipzig y en Werder Bremen en la Bundesliga


Xavi Simons has decided to 'exhaust' his options to play for Barça

Published:27/05/2024 - 21:34h

Updated:27/05/2024 - 23:38h

Xavi Simons is one of the players on FC Barcelona's agenda for next season, but the club would only consider his incorporation on a simple loan. PSG has 'passed' on that option, but the player could continue insisting

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Xavi Simons is one of the players that the FC Barcelona has in his list of futuribles to reinforce the staff in the next season. It is a very versatile player that is able to appear and surrender in different positions, by what his name will be in the list of possible signings... If they give the conditions, mainly. Up to now, only they value his incorporation through a cession by a campaign.

Paris Saint-Germain, club to the that belongs him his index card, has 'happened' of the plans of the Barcelona. His intention is to concretise the sale of the international with Low Countries this summer, after knowing the posture of Xavi that it already has left clear that does not have the intention to return to the capital of France in what it finish his cession in the RB Leipzig. The priority will be traspasarlo definitively to the club of the 'bulls' or to some another that was interested in buying it.

Bayern, Chelsea, Manchester United and Newcastle, according to an information of Sportive World, are very attentive to the situation of the player of 21 years, although his intention keeps on being the one to go back to Barcelona. Already it communicated it to him to his club and, like this, fulfil the dream to play in the first team after forming in The Masia before leaving to Paris in research of opportunities in the elite. Tiene The intention to expect and exhaust his options to achieve it, although it will be more than complicated.

The limit of Xavi Simons to the Barça

The Barça still has to fix his accounts, check that will have Fair Play financial to tackle the operation (even if it treats of a cession) and do gap in the mass salarial. They go to time trial and will have to work fast, because the player wanted to have his future resolved before leaving with Low Countries to the dispute of the Eurocopa, on 14 June, in Germany. It remains little more than two weeks.

It is not the most ideal stage for the blaugrana, in any case. It is foreseen that, once Hansi Flick was announced like the new trainer of the Barça, all the sportive area analyse the financial situation with the managerial board of Joan Laporta and, from there, take the respective decisions. The name of Xavi Simons will be on the table, but will depend on the posture of Paris Saint-Germain with which is not easy to negotiate, as it has remained showed in the last years.

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