Xavi would have ruled out the signing of Cristiano for Barça

Published:28/03/2022 - 12:54h

Updated:28/03/2022 - 15:38h

Everything seems to indicate that Cristiano Ronaldo has tired of Manchester United and is looking for a new destination for the 2022-2022 season. His agent would have knocked on the door of FC Barcelona, but Xavi Hernández has closed it immediately

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It is not a secret for anybody that the FC Barcelona is with the radar lit in the research of players of quality so that the staff was even more competitive and that they are many the names that have related with the Barcelona entity in the last months, but now has jumped the surprise that Cristiano Ronaldo himself would have been offered to the Barcelona group of face to the season 2022-2023.

The Portuguese is not living a good stage and the situation in the Manchester United is dramatic, reason by which from the surroundings of 'CR7' begin to tantear the terrain of face to a change of airs in the summer. The representative of the footballer, Jorge Mendes, is moving his threads to achieve a new team but, for the moment, seems not being having the success expected.

Of agreement to the information of 'The National', Mendes offered to Cristiano Ronaldo to the FC Barcelona. It would have done him arrive to Joan Laporta directly the proposal and the maximum Barcelona mandator left in hands of Xavi Hernández the final decision, as it has happened with all the signings to date. The trainer of Terrassa has said a rotundo "no" and the doors of the Camp Nou would be totally closed for the Portuguese attacker.

The Barça, in research of a forward

The reality is that the Barcelona is still in his plan to find a '9' of face to the next season. The Barcelona want a 'crack' of renown that serve of leader of project by the following years. A lot of names have been linked with the Barcelona team, but up to now Robert Lewandowski and Mohamed Salah are of first in the list of candidates.

Everything will depend of the money that the Barça can spend and the will of the footballers. The economic factor, however, will be the more determinant. Already it was the reason by which the club had to withdraw of the carerra by Erling Haaland and will be key to determine if, in question, can arrive a '9'.

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