Frankie de Jong in Australia


Barça/United agreement: De Jong's departure only depends on him

Published:4/06/2022 - 18:44h

Updated:4/06/2022 - 18:44h

Frenkie de Jong has his destiny in his hands. The negotiations between FC Barcelona and Manchester United for his transfer are well under way, but if the player will be the one who decides if he stays or leaves

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona is very near to close his first big sale in long. After three seasons in which the group blaugrana has closed few traspasos remarkable, Frenkie of Jong is about to to leave 80 million euros in box if, finally, completes his course to the Manchester United. The 'network devils' is had to close the business what before, but the final decision will take it the midfield player.

For the Barça, the sale of Of Jong supposes a financial relief with an injection of capital that will allow sanear the congestionada payroll culé and manage possible signings in this summer. By his part, the United wants to please to his flamante trainer, Erik have Hag, the one who considers to Frenkie like a vital piece for the diagram that expects to consolidate from August in Old Trafford.

Like this, the midfield player reencontraría with the one who went his mentor in the Ajax, club where his professional career took the definite flight to the European elite. The Barcelona paid 75 million euros to the ones of Ámsterdam in 2019 by his traspaso and, after three seasons in where the performance of Of Jong was of less to more, close his exit by 80 'kilos' is a decision that would leave, in principle, satisfied to all the parts.

Nevertheless, the player of 25 years still is not convinced that go to the 'Man Or' was the best decision in this moment. The 'network devils' will not play the Champions League in the 2022-23 and come of one of the worst seasons of his recent history, by which, further of the presence of Have Hga in the English bench, deportivamente the option does not finish to like him. The aim of the United is to reinforce his staff to compete hand manually with the 'big three' of the Premier (Manchester City, Liverpool and Chelsea) and win the Europe League, competition that escaped them in 2021 in front of the Villarreal.

The exhibition of Of Jong in front of Belgium and his wish to remain

The one of Arkel was one of the figures in the debut of the Low Countries in front of Belgium in Brussels (1-4). After the party, Frenkie spoke on his role in the selection and in the Barça: "it likes Me be the first player in receiving the balloon of the defences. In the selection play different to the Barça. And I think that east remains me better'. However, the midfield player follows prioritising continue dressing the T-shirt blaugrana, although the insistence of the club in selling him could do him change to seem.

In an interview with the chain 'US', Of Jong ensured that "it prefers to remain in Barcelona. It is simply my club of dream. Also from very young. Never I have me arrepentido of my election although it expected more in terms of titles of what have attained up to now", explained the Dutch. For the moment, Frenkie will follow concentrated with his selection, while Barça and the United follow negotiating.

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