Gündogan celebra un gol con el Barça en LaLiga


Gündogan lists the keys for Barça to eliminate PSG and defines his 'dream' final

Published:5/04/2024 - 22:53h

Updated:5/04/2024 - 22:53h

In advance of FC Barcelona's visit to PSG for the first leg of the Champions League quarterfinals, Ílkay Gündogan has updated the culé news and got 'wet' with the impact of the youngest members of the team

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Ílkay Gündogan Is being one of the big protagonists of the FC Barcelona in this season. It arrived like free agent, pertinent of the Manchester City after achieving the triplete of titles, and has settled immediately until turning into the leader of the centre of the Barcelona field. The intention of the Teutonic is to be still in the winning line of these last years and has fixed the Champions League at most objective.

In a recent interview to the newspaper 'SPORT', the midfield player has spoken on how sees to the team in the previous of the importantísima visit to the Paris Saint-Germain in the Park of the Princes, this Wednesday from the 21:00 hours. Gündogan Thinks that, with a good performance -as the one who showed in front of the Naples, in eighth- are able to surpass the round and put in the semifinals. The 'dream' is to put in the final, where would like him confront to the Manchester City.

The dream of the Champions for the Barça

The key, for Gündogan, is that they can 'recover' the good feelings that had left before the stop of selections: "I Think that before the stop were well and think that the last party was not to the level of the played before the stop. We could play better, but also is important to have won. If we can play as we did it, for example, in front of the Naples home or even there, will have an opportunity in the Champions", although it is conscious that the Parisian group is a team that will not be simple to surpass and that has a very good staff: "I create It, yes. But clear, the PSG has a big team and big players. It will be necessary to control especially to the extremes and defend very well to control them, but it will be necessary to do it like team. If we do it, will have an opportunity".

The ex of the City considers that it is key to keep the feet in the floor, although it likes him that "there is euphoria and optimism around the club". The Barça has to follow working and prepare to the maximum to "follow working a lot and hard to keep live this opportunity because the Champions can be a brutal competition", because of a moment to another can be like favourite and immediately go to the precipicio: "Claro that are happy now and a lot of people did not expect us in chambers to the start of the season, but, as it said, have to follow improving in the taking of correct decisions in the key parties".

In this same order of ideas, has aimed that it would be "extraordinary" to play a new final of Champions League, this time with the Barça, and that the Manchester City would be his rival dreamed: "it would like Me the first play the final of the Champions with the Barça, would be extraordinary and neither matters who was in front, but yes, the Manchester City is an extraordinary team and probably now is the one who has the greater options to be in the final, but as I said before, the Champions is cruel and never know what will happen".

The new generation of the Barça

On the other hand, the international with Germany has spoken on the young players that are despuntando in the first team, as it is the case of Lamine Yamal or Pau Cubarsí: "it Is a different generation, grow of distinct form and do not have the same mentality in a lot of things, but sincerely, also am learning of them, of his perspective".

It has added that it has impressed him the desparpajo of the 'jewels' of the quarry: "it loves Me when the youngsters train or play, like Lamine or Pau, without thinking too much. They go out and they play and you think that they do not feel the pressure or that does not matter them the pressure. And in fact it is what would have to be. And therefore they do it extraordinary, because it does not matter them. They know that have talent and play".

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