sergi joao napoli


Joao Félix signs up for Napoli! The '14' and Sergi Roberto, ready for the Champions League

Published:20/02/2024 - 10:27h

Updated:20/02/2024 - 10:40h

FC Barcelona recovers Joao Félix and Sergi Roberto for its crucial confrontation in Napoli this Wednesday. The Portuguese, who already trained partially with his teammates on Tuesday, is a key 'signing' for Xavi, who needs offensive alternatives on the bench

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In addition to the lista of summoned to play this Wednesday the gone of eighth of final of the Champions League, the FC Barcelona published this Tuesday a communiqué with the high doctors of two players. Sergi Roberto and Joao Félix have recovered to time for the duel and will be in Napoli to play in front of the partenopeos. The turn of the Portuguese is especially important, since Xavi Hernández needs more offensive options for the bench.

The luso has lost in total four parties by fault of his sprain of ankle and everything seemed to indicate that it did not go to achieve be healthy to play in the Stadium Diego Armando Maradona. However, this past Tuesday was the big surprise in the training of the Barcelona, completing part of him with total normality, and at the end his trainer has been able to carry it to Italy after the seen well of the doctors, that have seen him well to play the meeting.

On the other hand, Sergi Roberto has lost the last five crashes, one more than his mate, by fault of a muscular injury of which has taken much more of the expected in recovering . The one of Reus, luckily, has attained it to time of the duel in front of the napolitanos, by what will be an alternative more for the bench. Taking into account the a lot of that likes him to Xavi have he in the demanding nights, can not descartarse that have minutes in the second half.

Joao Félix, very necessary for this Barça

The recovery of Joao Félix could result being key for the culés of face to the second part of this gone of Champions. Although the Portuguese carries some months being tremendously irregular, his injury and the one of Ferran Torres left to the Barcelona with alone Vitor Roque and from does a pair of meetings Raphinha like revulsivos for the attack. The past weekend, in fact, with the leading ex youngster centre of the Paranaense to title, only his compatriot could go out like offensive change. This Wednesday, luckily, there will be a new alternative of level for dinamitar the party in case of need.

The ex of the Athletic of Madrid, in spite of not being extreme pure, manages better in the left that Raphinha, that is the one who carries occupying this position the last two meetings. Xavi resorted to he in front of the need to mark so much against Granada as in front of Celtic of Vigo, planting him in this side by not wanting to change of band to Lamine Yamal, that from the right is being the best of the Barça. Now, the technician of Terrassa will be able to 'throw' of Joao for this left-handed side and of this form will be able to give him more freedom to Raphinha to play inside or in the right-handed, in case that it decide to substitute to Lamine.

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