Luis Enrique en el duelo entre la Real Sociedad y el PSG en la UEFA Champions League


Luis Enrique makes it clear that he will go all out against Barça despite his Barça feeling

Published:7/04/2024 - 11:06h

Updated:7/04/2024 - 11:12h

Luis Enrique spoke about the preview of the Champions League quarter-final first leg against FC Barcelona after Paris Saint-Germain's draw against Clermont (2-2). For the Asturian coach, there will be no sentimentality that clouds his desire to win

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Paris Saint-Germain will go to by all in the duel of gone of the quarter-finals of the UEFA Champions League in front of the FC Barcelona. For the group directed by Luis Enrique, east is the most important party of the season up to now and like this understands it so much the staff like the technical body, further of the affection of the Asturian trainer by the Barcelona team.

"I am gijonés, until my accent me delata, but now my house is Paris. My house and my club, the past and the future do not explain, what costs is the present. I want to give the maximum for the club that decided to trust my, the aim is to give the one hundred by one hundred. But I am of Gijón, of Asturias, half Catalan and Spanish", affirmed in the previous of the duel in front of the last qualifier of Tie it 1.

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Consulted on the changes that will do in his alignment for the gone of chambers of Champions, 'Struggle' left to glimpse that it will follow having all the staff for the eliminatory in front of the Barça. "They are the same players of Paris Saint Germain. This is a staff, that was competitive in all the competitions. Still we need to win more split to raise the title (of league)".

Besides, it added: "The PSG are the ones of the Rennes the other day, the ones of today, the ones of the Wednesday. That is the staff of the PSG and am loved to train them to all". The Asturian did many adjust in the two last parties (Rennes and Clermont), but will have a break the next weekend, since the Parisians will postpone his corresponding party to the day 29 of Tie it 1 for 24 April.

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