Florentino Pérez in an act of the Real Madrid


Madrid shields itself against a possible UEFA sanction

Published:21/09/2022 - 14:16h

Updated:21/09/2022 - 14:16h

New information states that Real Madrid has activated a contingency plan to shield its finances in the event that the EU Court of Justice rules in favor of UEFA

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Real Madrid could suffer grave consequences for being one of the impulsores of the famous Superliga European and his president, Florentino Pérez, is conscious of this. Everything will remain in hands of the Court of Justice of the EU (TJUE) during the process that will confront to the UEFA and to the clubs that agree with that this new competition was a reality.

The Managerial Board merengue understands that the sentence can give rein suelda so that the maximum organism of the European football expel them of his competitions, what would leave to the whites without the possibility to contest the next Champions League. In front of this, the club has gone preparing economically with a reservation that will armour them of face to the future.

Like this it has it desvelado the digital newspaper 'Vozpópuli', advancing that in Valdebebas would have a near figure to the 780 million euros between tesorería and policies of credit with the end to be able to face possible contingencies. This because the breast madridista assumes that it could have to be until three seasons without League of Champions, by what the money 'saved' would serve to cover this period without the income of the tournament.

The celebrated trial during the month of July in Luxembourg will give his verdict at the beginning of 2023, although from the month of December will know the opinion of the general lawyer of the TJUE. The dictamen could go to any one of the two parts, by what the decision to ensure in front of any situation is more than clear for the executives of the Madrid.

Income reduced

With all this on the table, Santiago Bernabéu has tightened the belt and has evaluated the sequelas that would leave not participating in Champions. The arks of the club present sufficient capital to handle the current level of cost, but the income will be very inferior regarding the past season where the competition left them near of 80 millions, more still taking into account that this figure could multiply by three.

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