Lothar Matthäus, commenting a match of the Bayern Munich


Matthäus warns to the Barça: "it won't be sufficient with changing the coach"

Published:16/08/2020 - 11:56h

Updated:16/08/2020 - 11:56h

Lothar Matthäus went back to speak on the FC Barcelona, in this occasion to ensure that it hurts him see like this to the Barcelona team

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The legendary Lothar Matthäus seeded the controversy during the previous days to the Barça-Bayern when ensuring that Robert Lewandowski was by in front of Leo Messi in these moments, and when showing a true security that the Bavarians would delete to the Barcelona group. Now, already confirmed that largely it had reason with his words, the ex footballer has not wanted to do blood.

It is more, it has analysed the hard situation that crosses the FC Barcelona, and has thought in this regard. In an interview to 'Sky', the ex international German ensures that it hurts him see like this to a team that won it everything does some years, and that achieved to marvel to the world during long. "It hurts me see to a team that, like the Barcelona, excited us to all during so many years as we saw it tonight".

"It saw to the Bayern like favourite but no in this extreme, never thought that they went to mark eight goals, but the six goals of difference show the difference that saw in the field", adds Matthäus, that hallucinated with the goleada of the germanos and gladdened that Hansi Flick have achieved to touch the key of the success, taking out the best of all the players of his staff.

It underlines besides that to the FC Barcelona will not suffice him with a change in the bench, but it will need to apply a lot of changes in the staff and bring to the team to new players, new sap with win and energy to go back to compete of you to you with the big powers of Europe. "It does not suffice with changing the trainer, need a lot of new players and do not think that are in conditions to spend so much money as they have done it up to now".

A remodeling complicated for the Barça

Reason does not be missing him to Matthäus in his analysis, and the true is that to the FC Barcelona will cost him horrors fichar to important players before it finish the present market of signings, because of the economic problems owing to the coronavirus and to that, to do with players, before will need to sell to several of his 'holy cows'.

And this, in time of pandemia and with many of the footballers culés with the value of market by the floors, can turn into an impossible mission. The Barça needs a deep remodeling of the staff, but it will be necessary to see if it is able or no to do it. And how long it takes in arriving. The most likely is that it carry out of progressive form.

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