Camp Nou fans


Napoli security took action against some Barça fans

Published:22/02/2024 - 10:13h

Updated:22/02/2024 - 10:14h

FC Barcelona got a bittersweet draw in their visit to Naples, although a part of the fans did experience only bitter minutes after being expelled from the Diego Armando Maradona stands

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The terracing visitor of Diego Armando Maradona received this Wednesday to the fans of the FC Barcelona for what went the party of gone of eighth of final between the Naples and the Barcelona group. For the previous of this meeting some culés decided to leave see several flares that tiñeron of red smoke to all the Catalan fans, although 'Sportive Carousel' has aimed that this decision has finish them costing expensive to several Barcelona followers.

And it is that several fans of the Barça, of which does not know the exact number, have finish being expelled of the stadium that now luce the name of one of the best footballers of the history. The information aims that the flares saw mainly in the previous minutes to the start of the meeting, as well as in the first instants of the same, by what seems that several culés could not enjoy too much of the meeting.

The UEFA follow very closely the problems that can generate the flares

It is not the first time that the lit of flares supposes a problem during a party of Champions. To another Spanish team, the Real Sociedad, already occurred him in his party in front of the Benfica in San Sebastián. A group of ultras visitors lit and launched several flares that fell on the familiar terracings of the Reale Sand. In that occasion, the referee detained the meeting and warned by megaphony that if the acts continued, the party would suspend , but the culprits were not expelled of the stadium. Later, the authorities could identify, register and detain to the culprits.

The information equally highlighted that later in the party, andn the second half, also could appreciate the lit of flares from areas of the stadium occupied by the local fans, that apparently were not sanctioned with the same hardness. Like this, the massive trip of the fans of the group culé has finished of the worst way, being besides object of this controversial deal that many times receive interest them visitors.

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