christensen medio xavi


Andreas Christensen's ownership against PSG remains up in the air

Published:10/04/2024 - 01:20h

Updated:10/04/2024 - 01:21h

Xavi Hernández maintains two doubts in his lineup ahead of the duel against Paris Saint-Germain. For the Egarense, creating the center of the field involves the state of Frenkie de Jong and Andreas Christensen, with the Dutchman better profiled

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Andreas Christensen follows with possibilities, although few, of ingresar to the eleven for the visit of the FC Barcelona to Paris Saint-Germain. The Danish does not play from 12 March, but has surpassed notably his ailments in the sinew of Achilles, although it follows without being to the one hundred byone hundred . In this sense, is likely that Xavi Hernández decide not risking with the defender reconverted in pivote the Wednesday in the Park of the Princes.

For the egarense, the ideal would be to have the '15' beside Frenkie of Jong from the go. Nevertheless, the trainer always prefers to expect to that his players are to tope to reappear after a prolonged injury, something that for now no sucede with the one of Lillerød. Andreas does not play from 12 March and, to the equal that Frenkie, could not train to the pair of his mates the past week, although the one of Lillerød already has the high medical, unlike the tulip.

Xavi will not run risks with two midfield players 'touched'

From here that, in front of the risk that supposes to have two midfield players 'touched' in the eleven, Xavi probably decide to put only to Of Jong in the XI, with Christensen expecting an opportunity in the bench. His presence in the announcement for the gone of chambers of Champions already supposes a good news, with which the Barça only will expect by the return of Pedri between the footballers lesionados.

To the equal that the '21', the Canarian travelled to Paris without the high doctor confirmed. The only certainty in the medullary a day before the party is Ílkay Gündogan, the one who has played it practically all this season. Without Gavi available, to the team reduce him the options regarding midfield players. Fermín López and Sergi Roberto have covered the drops of Andreas and Frenkie, with good performances in League.

Sergi Roberto, the best alternative to Christensen

By characteristics, the captain seems the best alternative to accompany to Christensen and/or Of Jong in the Park of the Princes. The '22' can give a hand in the recovery and, although it does not have so much intensity in contrary field like Fermín, also contributes a lot in the transfer and the creation beside Gündogan. Like this the things, Xavi already would have armed his XI in a 95 %, waiting for what suceda in the next hours with the physical state of the '15' and the '21'.

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