Kylian Mbappé celebrando una de sus anotaciones en el duelo entre el FC Barcelona y el PSG en la Champions League


The action that could have ended in the expulsion of Mbappé and of which the referee 'passed'

Published:17/04/2024 - 03:18h

Updated:17/04/2024 - 03:18h

Kylian Mbappé Could have been expelled in two occasions during the duel between the culés and Parisians, if the referee István Kovács had applied the regulation of way more rigorous. Nevertheless, this no sucedió and the French star could complete the commitment with normality

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It could the referee István Kovács have expelled to Kylian Mbappé? Apparently, yes. This would be in concordance with the regulation, although of rigorous way. All this is related with the form in that 'Donatello' celebrated his two annotations against the FC Barcelona, so much the 1-3 like the 1-4, two situations resolved differently but with a same celebration.

In the first place, the native of Bondy invoiceed the 1-3 by means of a maximum penalty, which was conceded after a fault committed on Ousmane Dembélé after an entrance to destiempo by part of the Portuguese left side Joãor Cancel. During his effusive celebration by the annotation that bent the series in favour of the Parisians, the exjugador of the Monaco jumped the fences and ran out of the field to celebrate with the cumulus of Parisian fans presents in the terracings of the Montjuïc.

Later, in his second target of the night, Mbappé sent the spherical at the end of the networks after a played in which had something of fortune, since the balloon arrived him to the just feet after a clear of Jules Koundé that diverted in Fermín López inside the area. Again, in the middle of his 'ecstasy' by the doublet that finished to seal the classification of Paris Saint-Germain to the 'semis' of the Champions League, went out again of the limits of the field to celebrate with the fans.

Why this type of celebration would do him merecedor of a caution?

In both occasions, Kylian could have received a yellow cardboard according to the regulation established by IFAB (International Football Association Board). Although it does not consider an infringement traspasar the limits of the field of game, as long as the player return the sooner possible to the terrain of game, there are four conditions stipulated by the IFAB in which it would deserve a caution. 'Donatello' could have broken one of them.

Of the four conditions, there is at least three that clearly did not fulfil : act of form provocadora or ebullient, cover the head or the face with masks or similar articles, and remove the shirt or cover the head with her. However, the remaining condition can be object of debate: scalar the fences perimetrales or approach to the viewers generating problems of security.

In the celebration of his first target, the French star went out of the field and jumped the fences, as it could appreciate in the transmission. This scene, to having been merecedora of a yellow card, would have added to the yellow that received in the minute 40 by an altercation with Iñigo Martínez. This would have carried to his expulsion, leaving to the Parisian club with 10 players during at least 30 minutes, since this action occurred in the 62'.

In his second annotation, in addition to jumping the fences, Kylian Mbappé generated a situation that required the intervention of the personnel of security to control the crowd that generated because of his effusive celebration. This also could have justified his expulsion, which finally did not produce under any circumstance.

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