Joan Laporta en el palco del Parque de los Príncipes


The answer of the Barça after the 'abuses' by part of the PSG in the party of gone of Champions

Published:12/04/2024 - 21:36h

Updated:12/04/2024 - 21:36h

The FC Barcelona, in way of 'revenge', has put some very elevated prices for the entrances of the invited of the directors of the PSG, after it have touched them pay 600 euros by each extra ticket in Paris

Calendar of FC Barcelona

To fault of four days for the party of turn between the FC Barcelona and Paris Saint-Germain, the previous begins to 'hammer'. And it is that, after the meeting of gone of Champions League, generated an unrest in the Barça by the prices that had imposed the PSG for the corresponding entrances to the invited of the directors. From the club ensure that the Parisians did all the possible for prejudicing them, with the mere aim to do business.

It fits to mention that the directors do not have to credit money to achieve entrances to be able to be presents in the meetings. However, to the a lot of go accompanied of familiar or friends have to pay an excedente for ingresar to the enclosure. For surprise of Joan Laporta and company had to credit 600 euros by each extra ticket. An action that did not like for nothing in the president of the club blaugrana.

In front of this, 'Jan' took letters in the subject and did not leave to happen the opportunity for 'avenge' of the exorbitada quantity of money that had to pay in Paris to accompany to the team in the victory. By what, as it informs the program 'Barça reservat' of Catalonia Ràdio, the Barça also has put prices "quite elevated" for the entrances for the invited of the directors.

It follows the tension between the directors of the Barça and the PSG

We remember that it has formed a hostile environment every time that these two teams confront , so much in the terrain of game as out of them. In the previous to the party of gone, Luis Enrique lit the controversy when declaring that he represents more the identity blaugrana that the current trainer, Xavi Hernández. This added to the 'sapling' that suffered Laporta by part of Nasser To the-Khelaïfi when it had pactado a dinner between both presidents. These events do that the turn in the City Condal was more taut that never.

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