The last day of the phase of groups of the Champions left a tie between FC Barcelona and Tottenham, with several positive notes in the Camp Nou. Further of the stars of the clash, the quinielas for the eliminatory of eighth or the draw that is for coming, there was good news for the Masia, that saw like two canteranos more premièred his pigeonhole in Europe.

Carles Aleñá and Juan Miranda colaron between the protagonists of the duel, because both certified his debut in Champions. Ernesto Valverde had warned that there would be rotations in this commitment, but besides stepped advance and put to proof to the two youngsters, an intention that confirmed in the back press conference to the meeting.

In the interviews, they same stood out his illusion for having participated in an appointment of this magnitude in the Estadi, and the one of Mataró continued showing that in spite of having 20 years, plays and acts as if it was an authentic veteran: "we Have done a good party. We could have won but in front we had a very good team to the that congratulate by his classification. The important was to be first in a group that was very difficult and now comes the most beautiful part of the competition".

"To personal level, am very happy by each party, take it to me as if it was the last. Today it was a proof more. It has been a very beautiful week with the goal in Glass and receiving the dorsal in the first team. Already I am here and now to enjoy it that I am it to me happening genial. This is incredible", valued Aleñá, that has gone back to underline that the changing room is supporting without doubting to Ousmane Dembélé, and that the fans also would have to do the same.

The words of Miranda after the party

Something more brief was Juan Miranda, that in spite of all moved with soltura in front of some microphones to which every time is more habituado. "I will follow working in the Barça B for when they arrive these opportunities with the first team", aimed the one of Olivares, that admitted to be very happy but without presionarse for being the immediate relief of Jordi Alba. His mission is to keep growing, something that does not see complicated because "he is very good and remains him a lot that give".

The side admitted also have been something nervous in the Camp Nou, and also regretted that although his family was to see him, his father could not attend to the party. "The Camp Nou impresses because it is a very big stadium and is very distinct to play in Sant Cugat, for example, with all the respects. Wanted to do it all well, but is true that everything does not go out", recognised.