Xavi Hernández en la rueda de prensa previa al duelo entre el FC Barcelona y el Napoli


Xavi makes it clear that his dismissal at Barça is not at stake against Napoli

Published:20/02/2024 - 20:22h

Updated:21/02/2024 - 15:47h

Xavi Hernández had no qualms about making his perspectives clear about FC Barcelona's next confrontation against Napoli. He highlighted that, despite the team's irregular performance, they are prepared to offer a great game and explained the reasons behind it

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Xavi Hernández appeared this Tuesday in front of the media in the previous press conference to the duel of this Wednesday between the Napoli and the FC Barcelona in the Stadium Diego Armando Maradona (21.00 hours/M+ League of Champions). During the conference, took advantage of the opportunity to tackle several subjects related with his continuity like trainer of the club culé to the end of the season and the pressure to which is subjected. Besides, it treated other notable subjects on the rival and the current situation of the Catalan picture of face to this party.

The implicit pressure in the clash in front of the Napoli

To the egarense questioned him about how will live this process of eliminatory against the Napoli after having announced the end of his cycle like trainer of the FC Barcelona the next 30 June, and if this commitment represents some type of pressure for him. "I will live it the same that as if it had not announced at all. I am very motivated, does not change at all. To prepare it of the best possible way. The pressure is the same, the one to be in the Barça", signalled.

In this sense, the Catalan has avoided to describe the meeting like the 'hour of the truth', leaving clear that, in his opinion, all the parties enjoy of a high degree of importance and that, therefore, will look for to play the best possible meeting against the 'Partenopeos'. "Also it was the field of the Carry, against the Shakhtar. If we happen to fourth also will be it. Tomorrow it will be that the aim. Tomorrow we have to compete and enjoy. Perhaps yes that it was the pending subject of the club the Champions in the last years, will see if we can compete well", sentenced.

Besides, Hernández took advantage of the occasion to resolve varied of the rumours that have generated lately, in which it mentions that a negative result in this meeting could carry to his dismissal or precipitate his decision to renounce. "I do not seat that it play me my future now. Have an illusion and immense motivation", affirmed.

How it will face the FC Barcelona this commitment?

Going in in the terrain of the party, Xavi did not doubt in commenting what this eliminatory means for the Barcelona picture and which are his perspectives regarding the tactical approach of the square napolitana, in relation with his change of trainer. "For us it supposes illusion, hope, motivation to happen to Chambers. I think that it is the biggest competition to level of clubs. It is the ideal and perfect stage to show what know. The Naples has changed the trainer of surprising form, but is a trainer that knows the house. For us it is not easy because we will not know as it will offer the party with the change of míster. We are in front of the champion of the Scudetto. Stand out his forward", reviewed.

To his time, has not wanted to attribute him the favouritism to the FC Barcelona, although the Napoli has had a quite irregular performance lately. "It is to 50%, are teams that somehow come to win. It is not being the best season of the Naples, we have been irregular. By a lot of that speak have to speak morning to the nine, it is necessary to speak in the field. It is moment to speak in the field", emphasized.

Equally, the one of Terrassa left clear that the FC Barcelona, further of the exposed previously, will go out in search of the victory that give them advantage in the eliminatory. "We will go to win, as always. We go out to win are the Barça, empatar in the Barça is not a good result. We will go out like this, afterwards according to the circumstances will see if it is or no a good result. But we have to take into account that have a party home and that they will have to visit Montjuïc", signalled.

The actuality of the team culé to measure to the napolitanos

Hernández also dared to give his perspective on how could be the tactical approach of the Catalan team. "We have to be a bit warier, prepare the party of the best possible way knowing that they remain 90 minutes more in Montjuïc. But we will follow with our identity. It will be complicated", commented

Equally, the egarense allowed speak a bit on how sees the current situation of the Barcelona picture, recalcando how lidiarán with the defensive problems of the club. "For us it is a very strong rival, especially with the three tips. For us it is fundamental to defend well, the surveillances, that do not generate us contras... It is difficult to stop to these footballers", mentioned.

Finally, the one of Terrassa exposed the good environment that there is in the changing room at present and how this can be indispensable to confront this duel."The aim is not thinking further. The main aim is to be in Chambers. The team has joined more, the reaction has been very good, of the President, of Deco... Happy of as we are in the vestidor", concluded.

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