BARBASTRO-FC BARCELONA (2-3): Video summary, goals and best plays of the Copa del Rey match

Published:7/01/2024 - 23:38h

Updated:7/01/2024 - 23:38h

Video summary, goals and best plays of UD Barbastro-FC Barcelona (2-3) of the round of 32 of the Copa del Rey 2023/2024. Xavi Hernández's team endured suffering, until the end, in his debut in the 'KO' tournament

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The suffering is what better defines to the FC Barcelona of this season, without mattering the day, rival or competition. The ones of Xavi Hernández have gone back to see against the ropes to carry out a new party. In the debut in the Glass of Rey, against the Barbastro in the dieciseisavos of final, the blaugrana have gone back to leave a 'recital' of how suffer even with an opponent of lower category.

The surprise, in any case, is that in the first compasses of the meeting to the Barça saw him face of aplanadora. They wanted to annotate goals and opened the prompt marker, by means of a goal of Fermín López. It did not go until the second half that put the 0-2, but there began the suffering. The team went down the intensity and the venues took advantage of to put in the party and complicate the history. The marker finish with a 2-3 that remained short for the seen in the first part, but that resume the 'bajón' of the culés in the resumption.

To continuation, review the video summary more complete of the triumph of the FC Barcelona in front of the UD Barbastro (2-3) in the corresponding party to the dieciseisavos of final of the Glass of the King 2023-2024:

Goals of the Barbastro-Barça

  • 0-1, Fermín López (min. 17): Raphinha received by the right band and commanded a milimétrico centre to the heart of the area to finish to the goal of Arnau. His shot, to the half, left to the guardameta local without at all that do.
  • 0-2, Raphinha (min. 51): The Brazilian attacker, that was the most stood out piece in attack, received the balloon in the second stick after a pass milimétrico of Héctor Fort. It pushed the balloon to expand the advantage in the marker.
  • 1-2, Of Table (min. 60): After a kickoff of corner 'given' by Joao Félix, Of Table took advantage of a loose ball in the area to nail it in the deepest of the network. It seemed to have fault in the beginning of the played.
  • 1-3, Robert Lewandowski (min. 81): The Barça won a penalti by a hand of Javito. The Polish forward was the attendant to earn it, without giving options to Fábregas.
  • 2-3, Marc Prat (min. 90+2): Fermín López demolished to Crespo inside the area when it tried to clear. Prat sent a finish just for despistar to Iñaki Crag and give him the second goal to his.

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