Mathew Leckie gol


Australia gives the 'camapanada' and leaves out a disappointing Denmark

Published:30/11/2022 - 18:00h

Updated:30/11/2022 - 18:00h

Andreas Christensen will return before the expected of Qatar after a 'grey' Glass of the World of Denmark, which allowed to Australia give the big surprise in the Group D

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The end of the Group D has left one of the greater disappointments of what goes of World-wide. The selection of Denmark has finished falling in front of Australia by 1-0 and has remained in the last place of the sector, adding only a point and very far of this possible stage to contest the first place to the team of France.

The Australians arrived to the party with three points in two parties, after falling in front of France in his debut and win to Tunisia, also by the minimum difference in the second meeting. With this result, the selection of Oceania has advanced of phase for the second time in his history, after the done in Germany 2006, where would finish falling in eighth in front of England.

The party initiated with a first time of a lot of study, although always with the Australians like the most intense on the field. The fault of goal of Denmark went back to remain in evidence, planting to a new centrodelantero by third consecutive party. The Danish selection of the culé Andreas Christensen began the party of this Wednesday with Martin Braithwaite as '9', although it did not finish giving result.

In the debut in front of Tunisia began with a double leading with Skov Olsen and the player of the Seville, Kasper Dolberg, without creating almost danger between both. For the party in front of France, where the goleador was the central of the FC Barcelona, the headline was Cornelius, giving the same result. This fault of goal took advantage of it Australia to have the control of the party from the start of the second time and like this arrive to the goal of the triumph.

A desmarque flawless

To the minute 60 of party, Mathew Leckie would take advantage of the back of the Danish defence and with a diagonal from his own field, the player of the Melbourne City would go without opposition to the goal of Denmark. The player would define with a shot of left-handed, crossing entirely the balloon to win to the historical Kasper Schmeichel.

The importance of the so much was still greater because of the goal of Wahbi Khazri a minute before in the Tunisia-France, which was classifying to the African team in that moment. Of this way Australia advances with six points, one less than France, by what will confront in the following phase the first place of the Group C, that will define between Poland and Argentina.

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