Héctor Bellerin in training with FC Barcelona


Bellerín, about his absence in Qatar: "A part of me is happy..."

Published:19/11/2022 - 00:02h

Updated:19/11/2022 - 00:02h

The right-back of FC Barcelona, Héctor Bellerín, has acknowledged having mixed feelings for not being called up to the Qatar World Cup with the Spain team and has explained his reasons

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Héctor Bellerín has been recognised by the magazine 'GQ' as one of the men of the year and the footballer has taken advantage of the opportunity and give some statements in which it has spoken on his actuality in the FC Barcelona and, besides, on his absence in the World-wide of Qatar. Luis Enrique, seleccionador Spanish, opted by Dani Carvajal and César Azpilicueta to reinforce his right-handed side.

The Barcelona player recognised that has feelings found, but that a part of him gladdens by not being in Qatar due to the fact that it could not bear the load of all the people that died while they built the stadiums for the dispute of the World-wide. Bellerín reflexionó In this regard and of how the football has turned into a reflection of the bad of the society.

The defender recognised that "like footballer not being in Qatar and in the selection is something that saddens me, but there is a part of my that gladdens . I do not know if it would attain to enjoy of the load of the 6.500 people died that have participated in the process of the world-wide of football", deepening in that "people of countries like Pakistan or Bangladesh, the majority men of 30 to 40 years that the only that looked for was a worthy life for them and for his families".

It has continued saying that "at the end the football goes back to be a bit the reflection of our society, of the avarice, of the selfishness and to follow agrandado all these things that separate us and that carry us to the desencuentro and the inequality", recognising that the only form of derrumbar the barriers and go on "is to look for between us the humanity, the empathy, the love and do grow our communities and the networks that confluyen inside her. And that in a so polarised society as ours leave to see us so much by our conditions and by our ideas and begin to see us by what are all, people".

Bellerín Deepens in his reflection

The Catalan also spoke on the human rights in Qatar and the equality: "it is not a question of laws. In Spain are by behind United Kingdom regarding social acceptance no only of the community LGTBI, but of people of other races, religions or even that have different political ideas. 50 years ago we lived in a dictatorship and there are wounds that have not cured . Right now they are rooting fascist ideas because the people sees that the system gives them sideways and that there is not a solution for them. Yes that there is it, but always has to be from the dialogue, the respect and the acceptance of the another".

On the same line, Bellerín finalised saying that "it is necessary to help to the communities that have been oprimidos, it is necessary to yield them space so that it listen better his voice. It is the only way to advance and to know and respect to the other. We that are those that are in the public focus are the first that we have to help and support".

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