Luis Enrique after a match v Marocco


'Dardo' to Luis Enrique? The indirect in networks of his ex right hand

Published:7/12/2022 - 17:04h

Updated:7/12/2022 - 17:04h

Jesús Marry, ancient assistant of Luis Enrique in the Spanish selection, has gone up a 'post' to his networks on the importance to choose good mates of work that later erased of his networks

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The fall of 'The Red' in the batch of penaltis in front of Morocco has had repercussions inside and out of Spain. For the moment, it keeps the uncertainty on what could occur with the seleccionador, Luis Enrique Martínez, in function of the agreements that can reach with the Real Spanish Federation of Football, whereas one of his ancient assistants has pronounced on his situation through the social networks.

It treats of Jesús Marry, current technical director of the selection of Iraq, the one who has gone up an image beside his team of work, signalling the importance to choose well to the people that will be near: "The people with which surround you influence in your behaviours. It chooses to which help you to see what have to see, no what you want to gor. It thinks that the common sense is the art to resolve problems, no to pose them".

However, the 'post' was deleted shortly after his publication, possibly because of the interpretations that some internauts could give him regarding the occurred with the Spanish selection in Qatar 2022. 'The Red' initiated with good foot winning to Costa Rica by 7-0, but later would not go back to know the victory after the tie in front of Germany, the defeat in front of Japan and a new tie in front of Morocco that supposed his elimination in the definition from the penalty spot.

The goodbye of Jesús Marry to the selection

In spite of having been the right hand of the Asturian in the combined national, the cycle of Jesús Marry like part of his technical body arrived to his final in February of 2022. In that then explained that his exit did not be any type of problems with the seleccionador: "I do not have at all that reproach him. I carry long with him and I know him and are how it is and precisely therefore it is better to separate our ways. Of the places it is necessary to go out well and if it pulls more the rope probably, by his part or for mine, finish bad. I am him very grateful. But the cycles begin and finish and I now initiate a new way".

In fact, also it wished him the best of the lucks at the head of 'The Red': "Of Luis Enrique sacked me in person. I am him appreciated to Luis because it has allowed me arrive to the professional football and by all the years that have been with him. The personal relations go through different moments, good, less good, of more confidence and complicity, of more and fewer doubts... When they appear the doubts, is better to separate the ways".

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