Ousmane Dembélé in a match with France


Dembélé is praised by Deschamps while receiving a wake-up call

Published:25/11/2022 - 21:10h

Updated:25/11/2022 - 21:10h

After a pair of years of injuries and irregularity, Ousmane Dembélé has gone back to his best level and with this has arrived the opportunity to be again in the selection of France, where also have noticed his mejoría

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The seleccionador French, Didier Deschamps, attended to the media in the previous of the meeting against Denmark, corresponding to the day 2 of the phase of groups of the World-wide . The technician of 54 years stood out to Ousmane Dembélé, to the that sees more mature and more done like player and did not want to hint, as it comes being usual, with regard to the eleven that will take out this Saturday in front of Denmark.

"Dembélé In 2018 formed part of a team that finish champion of the World. Afterwards it had important injuries in these last four years. It is an important player", began standing out the champion of the world like player and trainer. The míster stood out that "it also has improved with the requirements of the day in day out with the FC Barcelona. We see him better. The fact that it was headline in the first party, is a proof that has the incredible capacity to hurt to the rival defences with his speed and his percussion. I see him more mature and more fact".

On this first party mentioned that the forward was not with the maximum commitment to the hour to help to his mates in the shrinking of the team. In front of this Deschamps was clear and explained that "there are offensive players that have the capacity to defend. I have spoken with him. In front of Australia corrected very well two unfit defensive. Has the capacity with the balloon in the feet. It plays in a big team".

The trainer Frenchman equally complemented saying that Dembélé "has the capacity even to play in the midfield as in Dortmund. We will see, has the capacity to repeat defensive efforts". The extreme of the Barça has not gone back to have physical problems from does almost a year, by what the trainer could go back to include it in the eleven in front of the Danish.

A crossing complicated

On his rival, Denmark, the technician reviewed: "Denmark is a team infravalorado with regard to his real value. They won us in the two last parties. We play between June and September against them and did us quite damage. Tomorrow we will see how it develops the party, but have not spoken of revancha. The seleccionador and I know us. The party of morning will be distinct to the of September. The situation of both teams is not the same".

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