Luis Enrique in a press conference


Luis Enrique will go out in front of Germany "as if they were eighth of final"

Published:26/11/2022 - 17:55h

Updated:26/11/2022 - 17:55h

Luis Enrique is conscious of the condition in which it will arrive Germany to the party in front of Spain. For the seleccionador, are two alike teams. Also it has indicated that 'The Red' will not go out to golear

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After a debut inmejorable in Qatar 2022 with the goleada by 7-0 in front of Costa Rica, the Spanish selection prepares for a still greater proof in the Glass of the World: win to a hard Germany that comes 'injured' after falling defeated in his party in front of the combined Japanese. The seleccionador, Luis Enrique, does not fall in the excess of confidence and has ensured that 'The Red' will contest the meeting like a crash of direct elimination.

The Spanish technician has showed optimistic, although it recognises the historical weight of the 'Mannschaft': "Germany has four stars in his T-shirt, played in the 94 like footballer and his physical power was bestial. To level futbolístico, Spain is to the level of any big. In the list FIFA are by in front, but if somebody can change his dynamic is Germany. His players are top world-wide. We are convinced that we can win them".

Of equal way, has stood out the similarities between 'The Red' and the team directed by Hansi Flick, that arrives needed of points to direct his classification: "Germany is a selection that always plays to the attack, the need can condition, but tries presionar and have the balloon. It is the selection that more resembles Spain. It is a very beautiful challenge. It will be an open party and will see the one who carries the cat to the water".

Likewise, it sustains that the staff has the feet on the earth after a so been bulky victory in front of the costarricenses: "we Have managed the euphoria of the most normal victory, have been three points, at all more. Have confidence, but does not be necessary to go to the excess. Germany gathers all the requirements so that there is not confidence. This the group of players knows it, is smart, the rival requires our effort to face this challenge".

Luis Enrique, with several options

Also it has warned that it still does not have clear a clear-cut model to measure to the germanos: "we Change of idea during the week, can change in the morning of the party, do not have one clear-cut. By normal do not am used to to repeat eleven, think that never have repeated. All part of the blind confidence in my players when they train. The conviction is that the important are the 16 players that can participate and that those that go in are attentive. They are vital. The alignment concerns me zero. The 16 that they can participate will try to give the maximum level".

One of the reasons for this could be the resemblance of the operation of both selections: "it Can that it change my decision on the last defence, Germany moves a lot, will see. I do not know if we will be more in his field or in ours. If it will be a crazy party, that does not interest us. A lot of variants that intuímos, but do not know with certainty. Germany has the same principles that we and this does that we house a lot of doubts".

For Luis Enrique, has been surprising the way in which it won the initial crash: "it did not expect a so powerful version and went a pleasure see to the team work of this way. I seat me better managing problems, am like this of gilipollas, that do that it go out your essence, goes out me the Asturian vein, gijonesa. What more want to me sink, goes out my nerve. I am for real in the difficulties. In the current football impera the equality".

They will not look for another goleada

For the míster, the important will be to obtain the victory, independently of the marker, since the main aim is to ensure what before the classification: "Our aim is not to repeat another incredible result, but carry the party where more suits us. If we want to convert the party in a crazy thing, does not suit us. When you measure you a power like Germany, is everything in the air and the variables will clear when it film the balloon".

Of equal way, sustains that it is necessary to do some adjust to improve the collective operation inside the field, especially regarding the possession of the balloon: "What more bothers me are failures of placing, that do not play of choral way, that all attack and defend. We do not go to especular, will go to dominate the party and to see if it gives to win the party and if it does not give, congratulate to the rival".

Also it has admitted that it is an advantage know the result of the previous party of the group before the crash in front of Germany: "never we know what is better, before playing will know the result of the Japan-Costa Rica. The aim is to control what can, that is to win the party and win that surely it would classify us. Never it knows in the football if it is better or worse that avenge of a defeat".

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