Memphis Depay controlling the ball


Van Gaal confirms that they will not risk the physique of Memphis

Published:28/11/2022 - 18:37h

Updated:28/11/2022 - 18:37h

Memphis Depay will continue to wait for his opportunity with the Netherlands from the bench. This has been confirmed by Louis van Gaal, who assured that they will risk the physique of the striker, who will have a leading role in important matches

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The selection of Low Countries will confront to the host Qatar this Tuesday in the last day of the phase of groups of the World-wide Glass of Qatar 2022. The Dutch square is forced to add of to three if they want to ensure the first place of the group To, which shares, in these moments, with Ecuador. In the meantime, Louis go Gaal has attended to the media in the previous press conference to the meeting and has spoken of the absence of Memphis in the eleven initial.

The trainer of the 'Orange Mechanical' showed wary regarding the turn of Depay to the alignment title, ensuring that they do not pretend to risk the physicist of a footballer that finish to recover of an injury in the biceps femoral of the left leg. "We do not go us to risk with Memphis. We need it to turn into us champions. We are doing all the possible so that it was in shape for the really important games", confessed.

Likewise, no 'it wetted' regarding the minutes that will contest the ex canterano of the FC Barcelona, Xavi Simons. "I have said him that it could give the step. What can see is how moves and how is working in the trainings and if it shows agallas. I notice that it is experiencing an every time greater development. It tries to carry out what ask him. It does it in each training. If it will play or no, it will depend of the party or if there will be changes. I can not say at all on this now. Also it depends on how it play the opponent", declared.

On the other hand, they Go Gaal analysed the meeting that will confront him to the selection qatarí, affirming that "my impression of this World-wide is that all the parties are difficult. This sees in the results. Several ties without goals or victories very small in general. The same occurs with Qatar. Also they play a 5-3-2 like system, as we. Two equal systems the one against the another, will be like a game of chess. This no always is amused to see, but is what there is".

Low countries, favourite to the title?

Finally, the technician of the 'Oranje' matizó the statements that made does a pair of days, where aseveró that his selection was candidate to the title. "I expect that this situation do not cause any pressure. Always you have to indicate the aim by which are here. If you do not establish this aim, if you say the quarter-finals are sufficient, think that that is not the correct form. The correct form is that you think that want to be champion of the world. I did not say that we go it to be, but can. And the players also have convinced of this", concluded.

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