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Pelé calls to "rescue the love for football" after the elimination of Brazil

Published:18/12/2022 - 10:39h

Updated:18/12/2022 - 10:42h

Pelé published a letter addressed to all of Brazil after the elimination of the 'Scratch' from the World Cup. From the Sao Paulo hospital, the legend posted an emotional message on Instagram to encourage the fans after the surprise loss against Croatia

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Brazil left of Qatar by the rear door after a surprising defeat in the quarter-finals in front of Croatia (1-1, 4-2 p.). Days after the 'stick' that supposed to remain out of the World-wide by fifth consecutive edition, Edson Arantes do Nascimento, 'Pelé', took advantage of to send an open letter in Instagram to all the Brazilian village in which it highlights his love by the football and the values that do of this sport "the most beautiful of the world".

"Open letter on my dream. The life is opportunity. What do with him depends on each one of us. We did it well and we did it badly. In the victory, receive celebration. In the defeat, learning. The life always is generous and offers new beginnings", begins the message of the Brazilian legend, champion of the world in 1958, 1962 and 1970, being his selection the last in revalidating the title of the tournament, something that looks for to emulate France this Sunday.


A publication shared by Peeĺ (@peel)

"In spite of the pain that feel with our elimination of the Glass of the World, ask them to the Brazilians that remember what carried us to the first five stars in the breast. It is the love what moves us. I do not know what goes back us so crazy by the football. If it is the love by the union of true friendships around the sport, by the cry of the goal or for forgetting all the problems that confront, although it was by 90 minutes", adds Pelé in his message.

Brazil adds already 20 years without winning the World-wide. Still like this, it keeps on being the only pentacampeón of the world, surpassing the four titles of Italy and Germany. This Sunday there will be a new tricampeón after the Argentina-France in Doha. Of have not fallen in chambers in front of Croatia, the 'verdeamarela' would have been able to contest the classical sudamericano in semis in front of the 'albiceleste' to look for revancha of the Glass America lost home in 2021 in front of the team of Lionel Scaloni.

I peeled flame to grasp to the love by the football

Confined from does more than two weeks in the Hospital Albert Einstein of Sao Paulo, 'O'Rei' conmovió with his final message. "They are many the virtues of the most beautiful sport. More still here in Brazil. It does not matter the reason. What matters is that this crowd joined us, in a moment in that we needed so much the unit. And my dream is that this feeling between us and our country was not alone passenger", wrote the '10'.

To finalise, concluded: "To my sporty friends and to the technical committee of the selection leave them my admiration, solidarity and affection. To all the Brazilians, wish that the union and the love that joins us in the sport trascend for all the life. The dream belongs us to all. Love, love and love". Pelé it follows struggling against a tumor in the colon identified in 2021, which complicated this month.

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