Frankfurt's players celebrate against Barcelona


Crosses and results: This has been the day of the Europa League

Published:7/04/2022 - 23:32h

Updated:7/04/2022 - 23:54h

The Europa League is getting us used to exciting days with many surprises. We review all the news in the dispute of the first legs of the quarterfinals of this edition

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Thursday have contested the four clashes of the gone of the quarter-finals of the Europe League 2021-2022. The FC Barcelona, only representative of the Spanish football, has confronted to the Eintracht Frankfurt trained by Oliver Glasner in a very thrilling party that finish in tables, with the feeling that the Barça suffered more than the account and resisted more than an hour.

The Barcelona group went out desconectado and without ideas, in front of a Frankfurt that lived the crash like a true final and that advanced in the beginning of the second part. Xavi had to replantearse the party and give entry to Frenkie of Jong and Ousmane Dembélé, that dinamizaron to the blaugrana and 'caused' the played of the goal of Ferran Torres.

It has not been the only clash of this Thursday. The day began with the visit of the Atalanta to the RB Leipzig in the Network Bull Sand of Germany. Andl conjoint Italian gave the surprise when advancing by means of a golazo of the Colombian Luis Muriel opened the marker after receiving in the edge of the area and put between two defenders. It achieved to outline and command a derechazo impossible to repel.

THE Leipzig did not go down the arms, all the contrary. The group of German harvested opportunity after opportunity until achieving the meritorio tie, but first Musso dressed of hero after detaining a penalti caused by Nkunku. Musso Detained the launching of Silva and in the refuse the guardameta went back to react to take out the head butt. In the following, did not forgive: The germanos recovered in the exit of the Atalanta that fell in Orban to define in front of the mark of Zappacosta.

By his part, the Knickers was the only that achieved victory in the turn of the 21:00 hours. Abel Ruiz marked the difference against the Rangers (1-0), whereas in France the Olympique Lyon and West Ham signed the tables: Bowen opened the marker in the 52' and Ndombelé equalised it fourteen minutes afterwards.

Results of the gone of the chambers

  1. RB Leipzig 1-1 Atalanta
  2. West Ham 1-1 Lyon
  3. Eintracht 1-1 FC Barcelona
  4. Knickers 1-0 Rangers

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