The goalkeeper luso of the sevilla trusts can win to the fc barcelona

Beto, on the Supercopa: "Always there will be forms to stop to Messi"

Beto, on the Supercopa: "Always there will be forms to stop to Messi"

Published:10/08/2015 - 00:56h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

One of the goalkeepers of the Seville, the Portuguese Beto, has conceded an interview in which it has spoken of a big quantity of subjects related with the Supercopa of Europe, from the dangerousness of Leo Messi until the enormous potential of the FC Barcelona in group

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In an interview conceded to the newspaper "Marks", Beto has spoken on his personal situation in the Seville, where the past season hardly could play because of an inopportune injury, and also has showed optimistic regarding the possibilities of the group hispalense in front of the FC Barcelona in the Supercopa of Europe. It thinks that the Seville is prepared.

"We prepare to the team for the season. We want to arrive the best possible to the Supercopa because it is a title, play it the best, and want to contest it and win it because the Seville is accustomed to win titles. But there is a League by in front, 38 parties, the Champions, the Glass of Rey... It can not prepare to all the team for a party. This team lives of growths and of constant improvements. It is necessary to give him a lot of merit to Unai by this mentality, want to be always a bit better". It ensures that the Barça is much more that Messi.

"Always there will be forms to stop to the best players, there are forms to stop to Messi. But it is a collective work, no only of the goalkeeper or of the defence that have to take to Messi. The Barcelona also bases in the community. Luis, Neymar, Iván... Have a lot of options, is a very strong community. The Seville also and go to plant him expensive". The meeting will be all a challenge for the one who was in the goal. "It is a challenge, is a challenge, is not a brown. It does not be necessary to fear to anybody. Know and respect yes because they are of high level, but is a challenge want to stop the balloons of this team, of all the players. Any goalkeeper the for everything, but try to do it the maximum possible".

It leaves clear, besides, that the Seville will not put eases to the FC Barcelona. "A team like the Barcelona, with the players that has, always is necessary to respect it and that take it into account. But the Seville has won the respect of the rivals of all Europe. The Barcelona goes to confront also to a big team. It is a party where can happen anything; it is the first of the season, the teams are finding still... It will be difficult for us and for the Barcelona".

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