The Argentinian and the Portuguese add 80 goals in European competitions

Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, 80 goals in European competitions

Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, 80 goals in European competitions

Published:12/08/2015 - 11:01h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

With the two golazos of fault annotated by Leo Messi against the Seville in the Supercopa of Europe 2015, the Argentinian star equalised to Cristiano Ronaldo with 80 goals in European competitions. "The Flea" has marked them in 103 parties, but "CR7" has needed 122

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As it remembers the daily "ACE", with the two goals achieved by Leo Messi the Tuesday against the Seville in the Supercopa of Europe 2015 the Argentinian star attained to equalise the so many of Cristiano Ronaldo, a total of 80, in European competitions contabilizando so much UEFA Champions League like Supercopa of Europe. The main difference between both, in any case, is that Leo Messi is 28 years old and besides has achieved the milestone to mark 80 goals in only 103 official parties.

Cristiano Ronaldo, by against, will fulfil 31 years in February and has needed 122 meetings to arrive to such figures goleadoras in Europe, a sample more than who is the best player of the world. It treats of the two only footballers in active that appear -and lead- the list, because the third is Raúl González with 76 targets. Inzaghi Marked 70 and Shevchenko and Go Nistelrooy remained in 62.

The first fifteen minutes of the FC Barcelona-Seville, besides, left a curiosity anecdótica. And it is that Leo Messi was the first player of the Barça, since it did it Ronaldinho in a party of League BBVA in 2007, that annotated two goals is missing direct in the same party. A new exploit for a player to the that finish him the adjectives and that always surprises to the fans with a new record of superación. At the end, only it will have to surpass to himself same.

Messi, essential for the FC Barcelona

Leo Messi was very participatory in the Barcelona game during the first part and something more turn# off in the second, but his two goals were key so that the Barça finish carrying the title to his vitrinas. In the minute 115 of the extention, besides, a powerful his shot from out of the area caused the refuse erroneous of Beto that finished in the goal of the triumph of Pedro Rodríguez. It could say, in this sense, that Messi was essential once again to mark the differences between a team, the FC Barcelona, and the rest.

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