Koundé y Frenkie de Jong, jugadores del FC Barcelona


14 games in 2024! Koundé and De Jong, without rest at Barça

Published:26/02/2024 - 18:44h

Updated:27/02/2024 - 00:34h

Although Ílkay Gündogan is, by far, the player who has accumulated the most minutes so far this season, in 2024 he has had a 'rest' in several games. On the other hand, De Jong or Koundé have played everything

Calendar of FC Barcelona

To date, the FC Barcelona has contested 14 parties in this 2024: eight in LaLiga, two in the Supercopa of Spain and Glass of Rey, in addition to the gone of the eighth of final of the Champions League. They have been, in total, 1.290 minutes of action (taking in account the extention lived in Saint Mamés) that have contested the Catalans. Jules Koundé and Frenkie of Jong have been the only players of the staff that have played it everything in this period.

The two have been the 'indisputable' of Xavi Hernández in the alignments. They have been present in all the clashes like two of the big leaders of the team. Koundé Has had to assume the responsibility of the right band, first by the drop of Joao Cancel at the beginning of January and afterwards by the 'transfer' of the Portuguese to the left side to cover the left side by the injury of Alejandro Balde.

The urgencies convert to Of Jong and Koundé in indisputable

The French, as it had happened in the past season, has done with the reins of the band and the history will not change in the future near. The trainer of Terrassa has showed that trusts fully in him and that sees him like the best 'solution', although already in the summer kept a meeting in which Koundé communicated him that it preferred to play in the axis of the defensive saga, where feels much more comfortable. In front of the urgencies, has not had more remedy that accept the role.

In the case of Frenkie of Jong, is not a surprise that Xavi consider him like one of the indisputable of the staff. The only 'difference' in this 2024 is that it has gone rotando of position and changing of role, especially in these last five parties. And it is that the incorporation of Andreas Christensen to the centre of the field, to play of pivote, has benefited him so that have more freedom in the centre of the field and have opportunity to move by the lawn with the 'security' that will have a backrest backwards.

Koundé And Of Jong, between the culés with more minutes

The urgencies, changes of roles and confidence has cost them to be the most used players in this 2024. In the global computation, as we reviewed recent in FCBN, Gündogan keeps on being the player of the Barça with more minutes in what it goes of the season. It accumulates 3.018 minutes, participating in the 38 parties that the Catalans have contested in this tempotada, gone on down Koundé (2.810), Robert Lewandowski (2.721), Ronald Araujo (2.336) and Of Jong (2.284).

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