Pau Gasol, in his presentation like player of the FC Barcelona


Already there is date for the definite debut of Pau Gasol with the FC Barcelona

Published:2/04/2021 - 09:52h

Updated:4/04/2021 - 03:53h

20 years afterwards, Pau Gasol is very near to go back to play with the FC Barcelona. In ten or fifteen days, maximum, will debut definitively

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Pau Gasol is near to begin, officially, his second stage in the FC Barcelona. After several weeks of trainings, finishing his recovery of an injury that has kept him out of action by more than two years, the Catalan is smart to return to the Palau Blaugrana in style.

The positive is that Pau is animated, finds well and the answer of the foot, with the increase of the load of work, is satisfactory for the medical services. The player already wants to jump to the fields and help to the FC Barcelona to get dressed of leader in the Euroliga and League Endesa. His debut dreamed was for this Sunday, of Resurrection, in front of the Boroughs in the League Endesa, but will have to expect a bit more to be to 100%.

The most likely is that his debut take place produce in the party of the Euroliga in front of the Bayern, on 9 April, or in the Classical, in front of the Real Madrid, on 11 April, by the League Endesa.

Gasol Will live a moment important

The Barcelona group wants to be entirely sure that Pau Gasol is totally recovered before it go back to the fields. From the Barça there are not hastes and already the ex of the Bucks is totally integrated to the dynamics of work in the Catalan team and with win to contest a key phase for the team.

The FC Barcelona is to a victory to be the mathematical leader of the regular season in the Euroliga, thing that could achieve in front of the Fenerbahçe or in the last jornadaante the Bayern, possibly with Pau. In the League Endesa, by his part, are to two triumphs of the Real Madrid and win the Classical will be key to assault the first place of the table of classification.

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