The 4 signings of the FC Barcelona 2016-17 offer a big performance


ANALYSIS: The 4 signings of 22 years of the FC Barcelona 2016-17

Published:22/07/2016 - 20:27h

Updated:22/07/2016 - 23:48h

The FC Barcelona has closed already four young signings, of present and future that will contribute a lot to the staff of Luis Enrique. Umtiti Is the one who more options has a priori to strengthen in the titularity, but all will compete

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has closed already in the market of signings 2016-17 the incorporations of four footballers that, in addition to having a big projection, to his 22 years have quality and sufficient maturity as to contribute a lot of things to the staff of Luis Enrique.

The Asturian technician will be able to have Samuel Umtiti, Denis Suárez, Lucas Digne and André Gomes, players that will strengthen even more to the team and will approach even more the future successes to the club, joining to stars like Messi, Neymar, Luis Suárez, Andrés Iniesta, Busquets, Rakitic, Gerard Hammered and company. The Barça has a good base to follow dominating the European football and, besides, continue evolving.

Like this they play the 4 signings of 22 years of the Barça 2016-17

Denis Suárez

The talentoso Galician midfield player has taken advantage of these two last seasons out of the Barcelona to continue learning and progressing, taking each train and each party very seriously, and conscious that a lot of looks were deposited on him. It develops his best football in the left interior and the mediapunta, but also can act like left-handed extreme, offering precision in the last pass, shot from out of the area and a big mental rapidity in the taking of decisions.

Lucas Digne

Of the generation of 1993, Digne is a carrilero left-handed of long route, clear offensive vocation and with a spectacular quality. It has given the definite jump in his sportive career when arriving to the best team of the world, and does not want to desaprovecharlo. Although it arrives theoretically to be acting of Jordi Alba, will offer competition. Usual in the announcements of France, can define like a fast player, with a big skill and technical, in addition to precision in the centres to the area. All this leaves clear his offensive vocation, being very seemed to the style of Jordi Alba.

Samuel Umtiti

International with France, headline in the last three parties of the UEFA Euro 2016 and with experience in Tie it 1, the Europe League and the Champions League, Umtiti is a polyvalent defender. Left-handed, can play so much in the centre of the defence as in the left side. Also it has a big technical, is swift and goes very well to the cut. Has a big exit of balloon and his aerial football projects. Therefore, with him the team achieves to a defence that can act of corrector of Gerard Hammered or also act of Hammered when this was not on the green.

André Gomes

The Portuguese will be a joker more for a staff excelsa. André can play in the two positions of interior, like defensive pivote, mediapunta and also in positions of extreme. In the diagram of game of the FC Barcelona, will happen to occupy one of the two positions of steering wheel by in front of the defensive pivote, in principle, although it will be difficult that remove him the titularity to Ivan Rakitic or Andrés Iniesta. It treats of a young promise that rejuvenates even more to the staff and endows it of potential of face to the future, contributing also in defensive works.

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